Home Learning

Well done, Amelia: It has been lovely to look at the photos of your home learning experiences. I was particularly impressed with your rainbow paper-mache hat and birthday card to Captain Tom Moore.

More VE Day Ideas

Hi everyone

As Miss Morgan has already said, next week is the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.

At the end of World War 2, families and communities celebrated by having street parties and singing and dancing. I would like you to recreate this in your own home by learning to sing a song popular at the time.

‘We’ll Meet Again’ by Dame Vera Lynn was sung across the nation to celebrate the fact that separation from loved ones and hardship was coming to an end. I would like you to have a go at learning the song to sing with your family. The song will be a big part of this years celebrations with a nationwide performance from doorsteps planned for 9pm on the 8th May. So give it a go!

I would love it of you could film/photograph yourself (with or without your family) singing and send it to the school email address.


You might even want to dress up in 1940s costumes and hold a garden tea party to celebrate such an important event.

I look forward to seeing the fun you all have.

Mrs Beardwood


Animals and Art Home Learning

Well done to Rory for having a go at our vet writing challenge and for making nature paintbrushes.

Super home learning

Well done Eva for being such a busy learner at home. I especially like your boat and binoculars 🙂

VE Day

On the 8th May, we will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day. We thought that it would be a great idea if you could still celebrate this at home.

Here are some ideas of what you could do:
Design a teacup t-h-321-ks2-ve-day-teacup-design-activity_ver_2
Design/create a medal t3-h-123-design-a-ve-day-medal-activity-sheet_ver_1
Decorate your house using bunting t-t-2548139-union-jack-template-display-bunting_ver_1

If you would like to explain this event to your child, here is a document that explains what VE Day is. t2-t-1578-ve-day-75th-anniversary-information-powerpoint-_ver_2

It would be lovely to see anything that you do to celebrate this occasion. Please send any pictures to the school email address so that these can be put onto the newsletter.

Reception Online Lessons

If you are finding it a bit trickier to deliver home learning now the weather isn’t so sunny, have a look at these online English lessons (as well as the maths ones Mrs Yale has posted) . They follow a sequence, so start with Monday, but you can do them whenever you wish as they are saved on the website. Last week was based on The Three Little Pigs and this week it is Goldilocks and the Three Bears.





Creative Topic Based Activity

Week 2

Focus: My Pets/ Animals I wish I owned.

Activity: Have fun role-playing vets.

Key Questions:

  • I wonder what a vet does and how we could set up our own surgery?
  • I wonder what we could use to treat this poorly teddy?
  • How could we write a prescription?

When role playing with your child, listen to their ideas and then explore them further together.

Weekly Literacy Challenge

Hello Reception, we hope you had an enjoyable weekend of sunshine.

This week the children would have been thinking about pets, so we would like you to watch the following story – Mog and the V.E.T by Judith Kerr, as a starting point:

Then have a go at drawing a picture of your pet, or the pet you would like to have. Then you can tell us all about them. For example, you could tell us their name, things they like to do, things they like to eat, what colour they are and why you like them.

Don’t forget to share them with us and Mrs Smith for the weekly newsletter. We love to see what you have been up to.


Busy Bee

Amelia has been very busy at home – she has even found time to help with the washing! What a star!

Super Spring Home Learning

Well done to Rory and Dexter who have been busy completing the home learning challenges this week. Rory has also been learning about St George’s Day.