Story of the week!

We have been reading the story ‘Can Bears Ski?’. It is a story about a little bear who finds it difficult to hear and pays a visit to the audiologist. The children have learnt all about the different senses and have learnt what a hearing aid is. We have also talked about our differences and what makes us special. If you would like to share the story with your child, please see the attached video.

Rose Ayling-Ellis – Can Bears Ski? – CBeebies – BBC



Story of the week!

This week we have been celebrating Diversity week. The children have taken part in lots of different activities to celebrate our differences and show kindness.

We have read the story ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin and Diane Ewen. Next week we will be taking part in some activities surrounding the story. Please feel free to listen to the story with your child at home.

Bedtime Stories | David Olusoga reads Coming To England | CBeebies – YouTube


The Scarecrows’ Wedding activities

The children have really enjoyed accessing our Scarecrows’ wedding themed activity during their independent learning time. From making an Apley scarecrow, to making bells ring, we have all been having fun learning together.

Doodle a day in EYFS

This week is Diversity Week. Today, the children listened to Brazilian music and doodled how it made them think and feel. They loved it and we enjoyed watching them shoulder dance whilst drawing.


The Scarecrows’ Wedding

The Scarecrows' Wedding : Donaldson, Julia, Scheffler, Axel:  Books

This week we have been reading and enjoying the story, ‘The Scarecrows’ Wedding’ by Julia Donaldson. Please find a link below to the story if you would like to share this with your children and talk about the story. Next week we will have a range of activities for the children to learn from and enjoy!


Phonics w.b. 2nd October

Next week we will be learning the following sounds:





Please watch the videos with your child and practise the sounds.

This week!

On Wednesday this week, the children will have the following activities:

Base 1 will have PE. They will need to come to school dressed in their school PE kit.

Base 2 will have forest school. Please ensure they bring waterproofs and a pair of wellies. They will need a normal pair of shoes to wear the rest of the day.


Phonics week beginning 25.9.23

Each week we will try to send out the videos for the following week containing the sounds we will be learning. It would be great if you could watch these with your child to support their recognition and pronunciation of sounds.







We finished off this week by learning the sounds d and t. Please watch these videos at home with you child to support their learning.

