First week back

Happy New Year!

We hope that you have enjoyed a restful and wonderful Christmas and wish you all a fantastic 2024!

There will be no PE or Forest School in the first week so the children will need to come to school in their school uniform.

The week beginning 15th January, will be our first week back to Forest School and PE.

Base one will have Forest School.

Base two will have PE.

For both PE and Forest School, please can children come to school in their school PE kit and not their own clothes. The only additional things they will need to bring for Forest school would be wellies and waterproof clothing. We are seeing a lot of children coming into school in their own clothes on Wednesday and this should be school PE kit.

Forest school Maps

In Forest School, we have been making maps using the natural environment. We collected natural objects from Forest School and brought them back to the classroom to help us.

WB 11.12.23 – KS1 and EYFS Hobgoblin Theatre Performance

KS1 and EYFS really enjoyed the Hobgoblin theatre performance this morning. They enjoyed joining in with repeated phrases and singing some well know Christmas songs.

There was lots of smiles and plenty of belly laughing, especially when Mrs Garraway and Mrs Jones were on stage doing the conga as the pantomime horse!

We are now feeling very festive and looking forward to Christmas even more.

This week’s Rainbow Challenge

Well done to all the children who have come home with a ‘Rainbow Challenge Champion!’ sticker. That means they completed all 6 challenges during their independent learning time this week. Here are some pictures of children completing some of our set activities:


Christmas diary dates!

It’s Chriiissstttmmmmaaaaas!

We are getting very busy so here is a reminder of our diary dates for December.

Christmas diary dates

All of these are happening within normal school time.

For the Christmas party, all we ask is that you bring in a plate of food for your own child. The children will have had their normal lunch as well so this does not need to be huge!

As the Santa Dash and Christmas Forest school is on the same day, please send your child in their forest schools kit, but also remember to pack a pair of trainers!

Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff on the door. Thank you in advance for your support in helping us to make Christmas magical for the children in their first year at Apley.

2D Shapes

This week, Reception have been learning to explore shapes with 4 sides and 4 corners. Previously, we have learnt to recognise, name, sort and describe circles and triangles.


Look at this great independent mark making and drawing of different shapes.

Rainbow challenge activities week beginning 27.11.23

This week we have launched our Rainbow challenge activities with the children. These are the activities that the children can access throughout the provision during their independent learning time. We have been encouraging everyone to visit and engage in all of these six activities and collect lollipop sticks as they go. If they have completed the rainbow by the end of the week, they will be a Rainbow challenge champion!

Check out what we have been doing!

Rainbow challenge activities website

Children in Need

What a fun day!


The children enjoyed undertaking a range of sporting challenges set by Mr Mountford (our P.E coach). The teachers especially enjoyed the many ‘Bearpees’ we were asked to do.


Thank you for all your donations to such an important cause. It was lovely seeing the children dressed in their own clothes wearing their Pudsey ears.


Friendship week!

As part of Friendship week, we invited our friends from year four to come and read with us. It was lovely to see the children sharing stories and enjoying each other’s company.

Pep the Poet

This week, we were visited by Pep the Poet. The children enjoyed their workshop and performed a poem with actions.