Goldilocks and the three bears

Last week, our story of the week was Goldilocks and the three bears. This week the children will be able to explore lots of activities within the provision. They have already been very excited to take part in activities such as cut and stick porridge, retelling the story using puppets, writing sorry letters to the three bears, making and tasting porridge, building chairs for the three bears and a gummy bear science experiment.

Academy Conversion Section 5 Stakeholder Consultation


Following approval of the school’s recent application to become an Academy, and receiving an Academy Order from the DfE, the Local Governing Body of Apley Wood are carrying out a consultation with all stakeholders of the local community. The aim of the consultation is to  approach stakeholders asking them whether they are happy for the school to become an Academy and join REAch2 Academy Trust in entering into a funding agreement with the Secretary of State to establish a new primary academy. This consultation is in accordance with Section 5 of the Academies Act (2010).

The consultation will commence on Monday 15th January 2024 at 9:00am, and close on Thursday 29th February 2024 at 5:00pm.

A parent meeting will take place at school on Monday 29th January 2pm-3pm where there will be opportunity to ask questions and meet some of the REAch2 Team.

Please see the letter below and some FAQs.

Apley Wood FAQs REAch2 – Jan 2024 

FINAL Apley Wood Section 5 consultation – Jan 2024


Miss Lamerton and Miss Shaw-Jones’s phonics group- week beginning 8th January 2024

The children in Miss Lamerton and Miss Shaw-Jones’s phonics group have been practising the following sounds:

ay  ee  igh

Please find the below the videos for these sounds. It would be great if you could watch these with your child and help them to practise blending these in their reading books. The children have also started writing sentences during their phonics lessons using the sounds that they have learnt.


Mrs Machin’s phonics group- Week beginning 8th January 2024

The children in Mrs Machin’s phonics group have been practising the following sounds:

th  qu  ss  ff

Please find the below the videos for these sounds. It would be great if you could watch these with your child and help them to practise blending these in their reading books.

Ms Wilson’s phonics group- week beginning 8th January 2024

The children in Ms Wilson’s phonics group have been practising the following sounds:

sh  th  ch  ng qu

Please find the below the videos for these sounds. It would be great if you could watch these with your child and help them to practise blending these in their reading books.

Mrs Jones’s phonics group- Week beginning 8th January 2024

The children in Mrs Jones’s phonics group have been practising the following sounds:

v w y z l

Please find the below the videos for these sounds. It would be great if you could watch these with your child and help them to practise blending these in their sound blending books.

Mrs Garraway’s phonics group- week beginning 8th January 2024

The children in Mrs Garraway’s phonics group have been practising the following sounds:

p g o c k

Please find the below the videos for these sounds. It would be great if you could watch these with your child and help them to practise blending these in their sound blending books.

Zero the hero

This week we have been looking at recognising and representing zero alongside subitising numbers up to 5. The children have been working in groups, partners and independently to identify zero and not zero.

Here is a link to a song we have been singing during our maths lessons:


Today, the children noticed that there was a branch frozen in one of our tuff spots that had filled with water. They were amazed by the ice on the branches and how smooth the ice felt. We thought about how to melt the ice. Some children thought they could smash it to melt it so they experimented with this. Others held it in their hands noticing how the ice turned into water. Some of the children left some toys in a bowl of water to see if it would freeze overnight. It was wonderful to see the children exploring, investigating and using their wider vocabulary in their play.