The Gruffalo

This week, we read The Gruffalo and the children enjoyed listening to the story and for words that rhyme. They then wrote their own rhyming words/ sentences in Literacy. In Maths, we practised our number bonds to 5 and challenged some to learn number facts to 10. Within PE, we used the parachute and had lots of fun working together as a team to bounce all the balls off! Finally, don’t forget to celebrate Chinese New Year this Saturday. We have enjoyed learning about it and comparing it to how we celebrate our new year.

Little Red Riding Hood

This week, we have continued to focus on the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The children enjoyed writing their own version of the story within Literacy and we were very impressed by all of their writing. Within Maths, the children worked on their knowledge of repeated patterns and were challenged to use 2/3 different shapes to create their own. During PE, we discussed how different colours make us feel and expressed this through movement. The children were encouraged to devise a series of movements to create their own expressive dance. Another great week had by all. Well done for all your hard work, Reception!

Into the Woods

It has been a lovely first week back and we have enjoyed listening all about the children’s holiday. This half term, our topic is called ‘Into the Woods’. We started the week by reading Little Red Riding Hood and the children have enjoyed accessing enhancements linked to the story within their independent learning time. Within Maths, we revised touch counting and encouraged accuracy.

Weekly Update

Over the last two weeks in PE, the children have enjoyed balancing on benches. They practised their jumping off, onto mats, and were then challenged to side step and even walk backwards. All the children enjoyed this activity and concentrated well in order to support their balancing. In Literacy, we continued to learn about Africa and read the book The Masai and me. The children then labelled pictures from the story. Within Maths, we have been practising our number formation and taking away. Well done for another successful week, Reception!

Handa’s Surprise

This week, we are reading Handa’s Surprise! The children are enjoying listening to the story and within Monday’s Literacy lesson they were challenged to write the fruits Handa placed in her basket. This week in Maths, the children are adding two groups together and they have really impressed us with their recording of numerals so far. Below you can see a picture of the basket weaving activity the children are undertaking in the shared area.

Get off Our Train!

Reception have been continuing our Wonderful World theme this week through the book Oi Get off Our Train! By John Burningham. They have pretended to go on safari, written about the animals on the train and created spotty snakes by using their one more and one less skills in maths. Base 2 also enjoyed hunting for signs of autumn during our Forest School session.


As the weather is getting colder, please make sure your child comes into school with appropriate P.E clothing e.g. tracksuit top and bottoms.

Many thanks,

Mrs Parrish

We are Going on Safari

This week, we read We are Going on Safari as we have started our new topic. In Literacy, the children enjoyed writing what they would pack in their suitcase ready for a trip to Africa. In Maths, we learnt to add one more. They have especially enjoyed the new role play area and searching for different animals.

Owl Babies – End of Half term

This week, we are reading Owl Babies. We have also focused on the signs of Autumn. Already this week, the children have enjoyed searching for different coloured leaves at playtime and have also been challenged, within Literacy, to write words/sentences linked to things we find this time of year.

Also, we have had a wonderful first parent consultation evening and it have been lovely to meet all our parents. We are looking forward to Wednesday already. We would just like to say thank you for all your continuing support.

Finally, well done Reception, for a successful start to the school year!