Base 1 – Forest School

Base 1 had a lovely walk to the forest this week and the snow made an appearance! We made some bird feeders and placed them all

around the forest school area for the wife life. The children played some forest school games and the sun came out to see us all too!

Shropshire Falconry

Base 1 & 2 enjoyed a visit from Shropshire Falconry. Lisa brought Christopher the white faced owl, Biggins the barn owl and Spock the Bengal eagle owl.

The children were able to fly and handle the owls and ask some questions. We learnt about how and why Owls fly silently and felt how soft an owls wing really is.

Base 1 – Forest school

The children in reception went down to the woods this week to see if they could spot any signs of winter. The children found lots of squirrel dreys, catkins and buds on the trees. The children checked all of these things off their winter checklist. They were fantastic winter detectives!


What an exciting first day back Reception have had. They worked with Mr Smith and found out about our new Ozobots. They had to design a safe path for Little Red Riding Hood to follow to get to her Grandma’s house avoiding the big bad wolf. We had to draw very thick lines using pens and we could use different colours to change the light on the Ozobots.