Trip to the Zoo

The children are all very excited for their trip to the Exotic Zoo tomorrow! We have looked at the places where we might go and the animals that we might see. We have also checked the weather and thought about what we will need. Here is our list:

  • School uniform
  • Coat
  • Water bottle
  • Packed lunch (unless ordered from the school)
  • Sun hat
  • Sun cream

The children will not need to bring any money as we will not be visiting the gift shop.


This week we have been looking at making repeating patterns and identifying rules. The children have enjoyed making patterns using objects from our classrooms as well as clapping patterns. We particularly enjoyed taking part in the GoNoodle ‘Banana, banana, meatball’ dance video. We have shared it below so that the children can join in with it at home.


Special visitors!

On Monday 15th April, we will be welcoming some special visitors to Reception for two weeks. As part of our, ‘Animal Magic’ topic this half term, we will be taking part in the Living Eggs hatching programme! This will give the children the opportunity to learn about the life cycle of chickens, alongside other animals. This will be a very hands on experience and the children will be involved in caring for the chicks.

We have chosen Living Eggs as they are an ethical hatching programme. At the end of the two weeks, they are committed to rehoming the chicks with local farmers, allotment owners and hobbyists.

Keep an eye on the website for ‘Chick watch’ and we hope you enjoy listening to the experiences that your children have had during these amazing two weeks.



Forest school and PE- Wednesday 10th April

On Wednesday 10th April there will be no Forest School or PE lesson. Please can the children come to school dressed in their school uniform as usual.

Thank you!

Forest school and PE

This Wednesday, the children have got the following lessons:

Base one- PE

Base two- Forest schools

We look forward to another half term of fun being active and learning in nature.

World Book Day Monday 11th March

Due to our year 5 residential, we will be celebrating

World Book Day this year on Monday 11th March.


Come to school dressed as your favourite

book character or author and bring in your

favourite book to share with children from another year group.


Author Visit: we will also be having a visit from local author, Sarah Griffiths, who will be sharing her fantastic new book with us.



First week back

Happy New Year!

We hope that you have enjoyed a restful and wonderful Christmas and wish you all a fantastic 2024!

There will be no PE or Forest School in the first week so the children will need to come to school in their school uniform.

The week beginning 15th January, will be our first week back to Forest School and PE.

Base one will have Forest School.

Base two will have PE.

For both PE and Forest School, please can children come to school in their school PE kit and not their own clothes. The only additional things they will need to bring for Forest school would be wellies and waterproof clothing. We are seeing a lot of children coming into school in their own clothes on Wednesday and this should be school PE kit.