Weekly Update – Week 2 – Autumn 2

Today, the children in Base 2 practised weaving in and out of cones. They then jumped over the cones. Next, they were challenged to get to the end of the cones and throw and catch the beanbag. The children then had to weave in and out of the cones balancing the beanbag on their head. Next the children balanced the beanbag on their tennis racket. They then were encouraged to flick the beanbag from the tennis racket into the hoop.

Forest School
Base 1 made fireworks out of leaves. They then developed their vocabulary of fireworks.

Character Education
This week the children continued to learn about our school Building Learning Power Characters:

• Resilient Rhino
• Team Ant
• Resourceful Rob
• Reflective Rosie

The children were asked to undertake different scenarios where they demonstrated these learning qualities.

In this scenario, the children were asked to work as a team to pass around the string. They discussed what happened when they worked well together and what would happen if they did not work as a team.

The children have settled well into their new Phonics groups. Reading books have now been sent home. Please ensure your child’s sound blending book and reading diary stay in your child’s plastic folder which comes to school every day so you child can read with an adult in school. Please record when you have listened to your child read and comment how they did.

This week, the children are learning to develop their understanding of the numbers 4 and 5.

Home challenges:
Using toys and items at home, challenge your child to make groups of 4 and 5. Question your child how they know there is this amount. How can they see these numbers? e.g. I see 4 because there is 2 and 2/ 1 and 3.

This half term, our topic is Wonderful World. During the half term, the children will be developing their understanding of Seasons and the changes within nature, which will lead us up to Winter and Christmas.
This is our second week reading Tree by Patricia Hegarty.

During our adult focus time in the afternoons, the children will create their Christmas cards ready to send home next Tuesday. If you wish to order a set of cards and other Christmas items, please complete the attached form.

The children have also made poppies this week for Remembrance Day to hold during our 2-minute silence on Friday.

Finally, thank you to all those that could attend our DEAR time on Tuesday.

There is no PE or Forest School next Wednesday. Please can children come to school in their uniform. We will continue with PE and FS the following week when Base 2 will have Forest School and Base 1 will have PE.

Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team.

Weekly Update – Autumn 2 – Week 1


Today, the children in Base 1 we started teamwork games e.g., racing as a team in and out a cones

Forest School

Base 2 went on an Autumn walk and completed a checklist with a partner. We enjoyed taking our time to explore the nature found in our school grounds. The children found fungi (which we stated the children should never touch), bare trees, berries, a variety of different coloured leaves and squirrels.

If you would like to discuss Autumn at home with your children, please click on the attached video link which is a great conversation starter we used in class before our walk.


Character Education

This week the children have been introduced to four very special characters with important roles. These characters support and encourage all children to build their learning power and encourage children to think that it isn’t just what we learn that is important, but it is also how we learn. When children display their learning behaviours, we reward them with stickers and house points.

Building Learning Power Characters:

  • Resilient Rhino
  • Team Ant
  • Resourceful Rob
  • Reflective Rosie-


The children have started new Phonics groups this week. Please continue to complete the sound sheets that are being sent home. Reading books are to follow very soon. 


This week the children are learning to use positional language and also to sort and recognise circles and triangles.

Home challenges:

  1. To support positional language at home you may wish to take it in turns with your child to hide an object and then describe where it is hidden.
  2. To support the knowledge and understanding of circles and triangles you could go on a shape hunt and take pictures.


This half term, our topic is Wonderful World. During the half term, the children will be developing their understanding of Seasons and the changes within nature, which will lead us up to Winter and Christmas.

Over the next two weeks, we will be reading the book Tree by Patricia Hegarty. During our adult focus time in the afternoons, the children will create a seasonal picture where they can show the changing leaves on a tree by using paints and cotton buds. During this time, we shall be asking the children the following questions you may also wish to discuss at home:

Key Questions: How are the seasons different? What happens to a tree throughout each season? What clues can we find for each season? What happens to the leaves of trees?



Next Tuesday at 2.55 – 3:15 is Reception’s DEAR session – Drop Everything and Read. You are welcome to come into school to read with your child.

Autumn 2 Reminder PE/Forest School

The week returning to school, Base 1 children will need to come to school on Wednesday (2.11.22) in their PE clothes and Base 2 children will need to come to school in their Forest School clothing.

Thank you for your continued support,

The EYFS Team

EYFS – Autumn 2 Homework Project

Please find attached the letter sent home today regarding your child’s homework project.

Aut 2 Hedgehog home


Many thanks,

The EYFS Team

Weekly Update – Week 7


Today, the children in Base 2 practised their balancing and throwing skills using beanbags and hoops. The children especially enjoyed playing the Bean game.


Forest School

This week, Base 1 went on an Autumn Walk. They looked for different signs of Autumn. You may wish to do this over half term. Below is an attached worksheet to guide you on your hunt. Base 2 will have the opportunity to do this the week returning to school.



Character Education

Today, we watched It’s Time to go on a Voyage in order to help our children celebrate Black History month. In this episode, JoJo and Gran Gran visit an exhibition to learn about the time Gran Gran moved from Saint Lucia to England when she was a little girl. Lots of people have donated special objects and photos for the exhibition, including Gran Gran who donates her precious little duffle coat, her only memento from that time. But as JoJo and Gran Gran explore the exhibition, Gran Gran makes some extra-special discoveries of her own. This episode was used as a tool to teach the children more about the Black British community’s roots and journey and to promote the understanding of the contribution and experience of people of African and Caribbean descent within Britain.

Click on the link to watch the video:



The children have also created a collaborated piece of artwork to celebrate Diversity week. We are excited to display this in our school hall. This is our artwork so far:

Doodle a day:

Every day, the children have listened to a different piece of music and drawn a doodle inspired by the piece. Each piece of music is from a different culture. Please see below some of the children’s art.

Monday – Japanese Music

Tuesday – Indian Classical Music

Wednesday – Blues/Swing (1950s)

Friday – Brazilian Music


The children are continuing to use the sounds they have learnt so far to read simple CVC words e.g., mat. This week, we are learning to read and write the sounds h,  r,  j,  v and y. Each week, children will continue to be sent home with an activity sheet linked to the sounds of the week. Please practise at home with your child. These do not need to come back in to school. We will be able to see their hard work when we are back in class.  Don’t forget to encourage your child to use their pure sounds and use the QR codes for support.



This week the children are learning to find one more and one less. We are also looking at the composition of 3 e.g. 1 and 1 and 1 equals 3.



On Monday, we welcomed the Stuart Howes (Vicar of The Parish of Hadley Holy Trinity and Wellington Christ Church). He spoke to the children about Harvest and helped develop their understanding of this key festival celebrated at this time of year.

This week, we are continuing to read the book Oliver’s Vegetables.  In the afternoons, the children will have the opportunity to create an observational drawing of a vegetable of their choice.

Click on the link to read the book at home.




On Friday, the children need to wear red as it is Show Racism the Red Card Day. Small donations welcome.


Many thanks,

The EYFS Team


Weekly Update – Week 6


Today, the children in Base 1 practised balancing and catching bean bags. You may wish to practise this a home.


Forest School

Over the last two weeks, Base 1 and Base 2 have created faces out of leaves that reflect different emotions.

This is an angry face!


Character Education

Today, we discussed the following question to support out mental wealth. You may like to use this as a conversation starter at home.



The children are continuing to use the sounds they have learnt so far to read simple CVC words e.g. mat. This week, we are learning to read and write the sounds f, e, l, h. Each day, children will continue to be sent home with an activity sheet linked to the sound of the day. Please practise this again at home with your child. These do not need to come back in to school. We will be able to see their hard work when we are back in class. Please use the little sound cards to practice your child’s fluency. Don’t forget to encourage your child to use their pure sounds and use the QR codes for support.



This week the children are learning to match the quantity 1, 2 and 3 with the numeral. Children have also been introduced to the term ‘subitise’. This is when they can recall an amount without counting.



This week we are reading the book Oliver’s Vegetables. We have also been lucky to have a visit for the school Nurse who supported our understanding of how to keep healthy and discussed how to keep our hands and teeth clean. In the afternoons, the children will have the opportunity to make their own set of teeth and will develop their cutting skills.

Click on the link to read the book at home.




Parent consultation slips are sent home this week. If you have asked for a meeting via Teams please check your emails for a link and please accept.


Finally, we met Bonnie today – our school Dog Mentor. Look out for the sign on the entrance to Base 1 and Base 2 to see when she is on site.

Many thanks,


The EYFS Team


Weekly Update – Week 5


Today, the children in Base 2 practised balancing and catching bean bags. First, Mr Mountford asked them to name their bean bag, our favourite names being Diana and Stuart. They then balanced their bean bag on the head and then their back.

Next, the children practised throwing and catching their bean bag. They were told to throw so the bean bag reached the height of their forehead. They were finally challenged to throw the bean bag up in the air, clap their hands and then catch the bean bag.

The children finished with GoNoodle.


Forest School

For the next two weeks, Base 1 and Base 2 will take it in turns to create faces out of leaves that reflect different emotions.


Character Education

Today, we read the book ‘We listen’. The children listened how Zelda Zebra was always in too much of a hurry to listen to her friends and the difficulties this caused. We then discussed how the characters overcame this and how listening is a way of showing we are ready, respectful and safe – our school rules.



The children are continuing to use the sounds they have learnt so far to read simple CVC words e.g mat. This week, we are learning to read and write the sounds o, c, k, u, b. Each day, children will continue to be sent home with an activity sheet linked to the sound of the day. Please practise this again at home with your child. These do not need to come back in to school. We will be able to see their hard work when we are back in class. Please use the little sound cards to practice your child’s fluency. Don’t forget to encourage your child to use their pure sounds and use the QR codes for support.



This week the children are learning to identify more and fewer and to identify tallest and shortest. Tomorrow, we will draw around one child and measure how tall they are using the same sized pencils.


This week we are reading the book My Five Senses. In the afternoons, the children will have the opportunity to make their own popcorn which they can eat at home. During the activity, the children will be encouraged to explore their senses and describe what that they hear, feel, smell and see.

Click on the link to read the book at home.

http://My Five Senses – (Read Aloud) – YouTube



Please ensure your child comes to school with water only. We have lots of opportunities in the day we encourage all the children to drink.

Also please ensure your child has waterproof clothing and wellies when they have Forest School as we do not have many spares.

Weekly Update – Week 4


Today, It was Base 1’s turn to meet Mr Mountford – our PE coach. Just like Base 2 last week, the children enjoyed using their bodies to demonstrate different speeds, heights and directions and learnt to negotiate space.

Forest School

Over the past two weeks, Base 1 and 2 learnt to sort different items found in nature (Maths focus of the week). Today, Mrs Parrish asked the children to sort what they found into two different hoops e.g green, not green etc. We then observed what we found and developed our vocabulary by describing and naming different objects.

Character Education

Today, we listened to the story ‘Pantosaurus and The Power of Pants’. Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.

Click on the link below which offers tips to parent and watch the song we listened to today.



This week the children are beginning to use the sounds they have learnt so far to read simple CVC words e.g. mat. We are extremely impressed with how hard they are all concentrating.  This week, we are learning the sounds t, i, n, p, g. Each day, children will continue to be sent home with an activity sheet linked to the sound of the day. Please practise this again at home with your child. These do not need to come back in to school. We will be able to see their hard work when we are back in class. Little sound cards have also been sent home so you can practise their reading of these sounds at home. Don’t forget to encourage the children to use their pure sounds.


This week the children are learning to sort and compare. In one activity we will ask the children to sort buttons according to their shape or size. We are also comparing different sizes using the vocabulary large, medium and small.


This week we are reading the story Color Monster which will support the children to understand different emotions. The children will paint their own colour monster this week and learn basic painting skills and rules.

Click on the link to read the book at home.



This Friday is our school Autumn Fair after school. Look out for Miss Benton and Miss Preston on the envelope stall.

Weekly Update – Week 3


Today, the children met Mr Mountford – our PE coach. First, he spoke to the children about how to keep safe in PE and the importance of listening.

The children warmed their bodies by pretending to be different animals like cheetahs and giraffes. They explored using different speeds, heights and directions. The children then learnt to negotiate space and ran around the hall avoiding obstacles and other children.

They were then instructed to touch different hoops and mats on the floor and then challenged to touch the obstacles with different parts of their bodies, depending on its’ colour.

Finally, the children explored different speeds and movements. When given a colour they needed to either run, skip or walk.

The children were all fantastic at stopping when instructed. All the children listened very well and their legs were tired after an hour of exercise. Base 1 will be having PE next week so have this to look forward to.


Forest School

This week the children searched for leaves of similar shapes discussing the key words – same and different. This also supports our learning in Maths this week.


Character Education

Today, we read the book ‘We are kind’. The children learnt ways in which different animals displayed kindness towards each other. We then discussed how being kind is a way of showing respect towards each other, which is one of our school rules.


This week the children have started RWI. We are extremely impressed with how well they have settled into this new routine.  This week, we are learning the sounds m, a, s, d. Information and homework has been sent home to support your understanding and home learning. Please complete the worksheets daily when they come home. More information is to follow.


This week the children are learning to match. In one activity we will ask the children to match pairs of socks. We want the children to understand that all aspects need to be the same. The children will be reading the book Simon Socks. Click on the link below to watch at home.



This week we are reading the story Every house on Every Street as we are learning about families. The children will all be making a house out of lollipop sticks and drawing their families inside to go up on display.


This Friday is a non-uniform day.

First Full Week

We would like to congratulate all the children on their first full week. They are really settling in well and quickly remembering our school routines.

This week, we introduced our three school rules:

We are ready

We are safe

We are respectful

All the children signed a school rule agreement (using painted finger prints). They have enjoyed earning stickers and house points when following them.

Finally, thank you for sending your child into school with their Marvellous Me bags. We all enjoyed discussing their pictures and the items you put in them. A great way to get to know each other better.

Have a wonderful weekend. We can imagine they may be a little tired after such a busy week.

The EYFS Team