Phonics week beginning 16th September 2024

This week we have been learning the following sounds:

i   n   p   g   o

Please watch the videos below with your child to help learn the sounds.

Phonics week beginning 9th September

This week we have started our RWI phonics lessons. The children have been practicing writing and reading the following sounds:

m   a   s   d

Please watch the videos below with your child and practice the sounds.


Forest school and PE letter

Today your child should have come home with a letter about Forest school and PE dates. We appreciate that sometimes these can get lost in transit so we have attached the letter below for you to read.

forest school and pe dates

Let’s go to the Dough Disco!

Image result for Dough Disco Book. Size: 174 x 185. Source:

Today we introduced the children to Dough Disco. This a fun way for children to improve their fine motor muscles, finger dexterity and hand eye coordination ready for writing. If you have dough at home, have a go at joining in with dough disco following the link below to practice the moves.

RTR Sept2024 30sec BaselineA 3D V4 1 (


PE and forest schools

Our PE and forest school day will be Wednesday. We will be starting this on Wednesday 18th September. Next week, we will send a letter out outlining all the details including what your child will need for these sessions.

A new adventure begins!

We hope that you have all enjoyed the Summer holidays, whatever they held in store for you and your families. We are sure there are some mixed feelings before tomorrow: excitement, worry, happiness, nervousness and maybe a few tears (and that’s just the grown ups!). We are so looking forward to welcoming the children tomorrow, so like us, sprinkle that get ready confetti under the pillows and get a good nights sleep- learning and playing is tiring work!

A few reminders:

  • Please ensure the children come with a labelled water bottle filled with water only.
  • Talk to your child about what they are having for lunch (packed lunch, hot school dinner or school sandwich if this has been booked).
  • If children are bringing a snack in this must be healthy and labelled with their name.
  • Doors will open at 8.45am and the children will come in on their own.
  • They will be collected from the same door at 3.15pm. Please be patient, it takes some time for us to get to know the parents and we want to ensure we get the children home safely, so this can take a bit longer in the beginning.
  • Any medications need to be dropped off at the school office.

See you all tomorrow for the start of our exciting adventure into Apley Wood Primary Academy!

Getting your child ready for phonics in September

We hope that you have all had an amazing Summer holiday so far! As we are getting closer to the start of school, we thought we would share a useful video to get your child ready for phonics in reception. We follow the Read, Write, Inc. programme for phonics and this video will get your child used to the names of the pictures that accompany the sounds.