Summer Term Home Learning Ideas

Hello Year 1!

We hope you and your families had a wonderful Easter, and that you are all safe and well.

We have put together some ideas for home learning activities that you might like to try whilst you are not in school. These are linked to the topics that we would have been learning about during the Summer Term. Please do not feel that you have to do them all – these are just suggestions.

Y1 Summer Term Home learning PDF version

If you do not have access to a printer at home, activities can be done on any paper or in a notebook, or even just discussed.

From tomorrow (Monday 20th April), BBC Bitesize will be streaming daily lessons for each age group. More information about this can be found at and

In addition to this, Plan Bee are offering some free home learning packs for primary children.

Remember it is also important to stay active, so we have included some links to ideas that you could use at home:


We hope you all stay safe and well, and look forward to seeing you all when we are back at school. Parents, if you have any questions, or would like to share anything your children have done at home, please email .

Thank you for everything you are doing – you are all superstars!

Year 1 Team





School Closure – 18th March 2020 Update

Dear Parents

Following the announcement this evening to close schools from the end of the day on Friday for all pupils except those who are vulnerable (EHC Plans etc) or of key workers, I would like to request your patience whilst we get confirmation of what this means for us, please do not contact the office to ask for further information about the closure.  I will keep you updated with any further information I receive as soon as possible.

The children will all have a pack of homework to bring home tomorrow, including maths, reading and writing activities, along with a project relevant to their current year group

and there are already spellings and appropriate website links for additional learning on the class pages of the school website.

If your child is already off school and you would like to collect a pack or arrange for a pack to be sent home with a friend, please contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support in these unprecedented and challenging circumstances.

Kind regards

Mrs Ellen Smith


Maths Week 2019!

As part of Maths Week 2019, TT Rockstars are encouraging children to play on TT Rockstars as much as possible. They are holding a competition that we have entered. Please see the poster below:

Please encourage your children to go on TT Rockstars as much as possible and I look forward to seeing all of their success.

Mr Taylor


World Book Day – 7th March 2019

We will be celebrating World Book Day in school on 7th March by dressing up for the day as our favorite characters. See the attached letter for more details.

World Book Day Letter.docx

Year 1 Toy show and tell sessions

Dear Parent/Carer,

As part of this term’s History topic about Toys, we will be looking at some examples of modern toys. We would like to invite the children to bring a toy in next week as part of a show and tell session.

Could they bring the toy, clearly labelled with their name, on:

Base 5 – Tuesday 15th January

Base 6 – Thursday 17th January

Please do not send in any valuable or sentimental toys, as although we will do our best to look after the toys that are brought in, accidents do sometimes happen, and we would hate for any treasured toys to be lost or damaged.

Many thanks,

Year 1 team