Wednesday 9th October Pro Strike Day


The whole school will be taking part in the pro strike day which involves having 3 attempts kicking the ball as hard as you can into the goal. There is a range of prizes to be won depending on how many sponsors are gained. There will be a pro strike trophy for the student who gains the most sponsors.


Good Luck!!!!

Cross Country Race 2 2024

Apley Wood yesterday entered in the TWSSP Cross Country event at Chetywnd Deer park competing against over 12 schools and over 200 Children. Apley Wood did extremely well never giving up and completed every race.  It is an incredible achievement for our children to finish in the top 15.

Yr3/4 Boys Cup Final

Yr3/4 Boys  Cup final is on Thursday 9th May at AFC Telford Ground (Bucks Head) the team would love your support, This is the first final since joining Reach2 so lets celebrate together. Mr Mountford wants to see lots of posters and banners at the game

Entry fee adults £3 Kids £1

Forest School – this half term


This half term, Year 2 will have their learning taken out into forest school each Thursday. This is a fantastic opportunity for them to experience learning outside and see how learning and the natural world often go hand in hand. Our focus will be all about ‘The Great Fire of London’.

As we approach winter now, we advise that children bring a spare pair of shoes, this could be wellies or old trainers as the site may be muddy. We would also like them to bring a coat as we will still be learning out there even if it is raining. They will not need anything else other than this as they should still be coming to school in full school uniform.

Thank you for your support with this and we look forward to some super learning outdoors!

Year 4 Maths Homework (9.1.23)

In preparation for our Times Tables assessments later in the year, we would like all children to be accessing Times Tables Rock Stars weekly. We would like every child to be working on TTRS for at least 15 minutes each week including completing a Soundcheck assessment. This will be in place of My Maths homework.

Thank you

Mrs Beardwood, Mrs Richards and Mrs Williams

Active Summer Challenge – Week 5

ASC Week 5 – The Daily Mile

Getting outside every day is really good for our wellbeing. This week why not try getting outside every day and see how many of the tasks you can tick off?

Challenge 5 KS1

Challenge 5 KS2

Don’t forget to record how you’re active in attempt to receive house points and a certificate!

Heat Warning

We are following the current DFE advice which has been shared by the Health and Safety team at T&W on Thursday morning:

  • Encourage parents to provide sun hats and sun tan lotion
  • Provide the children with plenty of water
  • Encourage children to play in shaded out door spaces
  • Children should not be taking part in vigorous activities on very hot days
  • Open windows as early as possible within the school
  • Keep electrical lighting and equipment to a minimum

We will be following all of the guidance so the children will be able to access water frequently and be encouraged to do so, windows will be open and blinds will be down when necessary and in addition, we will recommend via the newsletter this week that due to the forecast for the early part of next week children may wear a lighter pair of shorts/skirt with their school T Shirts if they wish to. We recommend that children do not bring school jumpers and cardigans into school. Please remember water bottles, hats and sun cream in a labelled bottle.

Activities will be altered to ensure no vigorous/strenuous activity is completed.  Sports clubs on these days will still be running but with adapted activities. We will also be setting up some additional areas of shade on the school fields. Our school library is also an air conditioned space that can be used.

If we had any concerns regarding temperatures in classrooms then we would be liaising immediately with the H&S team at the Local Authority and following their advice.