Behaviour Policy and new Behaviour Curriculum

Behaviour and attitudes is a key feature of school life about which there should be a clear, shared understanding between the Head Teacher, all staff, parents/carers, governors and children.

We have high expectations of behaviour at Apley Wood Primary Academy and are proud that pupil behaviour and our calm environment are regularly commented on positively by visitors to school.  Following pupil voice activities, parental feedback and collaboration with our Reach2 cluster schools over the last academic year, we have developed our positive behaviour curriculum which defines our high expectations very clearly.  Staff have received training on our new behaviour curriculum and it is being launched with our children through classroom activities and assemblies.  You can see the updated behaviour policy and behaviour curriculum on the policies page of the website.  If you would like a paper copy, please contact the office. We value parental support in maintaining our high expectations and ensuring that school remains a calm, purposeful and safe learning environment for everyone.



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By Mrs Smith
