Welcome Year 3!

We are so excited to see you and welcome you into year 3. We hope you have had a lovely summer holiday.

We wanted to run through a few things with you before you return to school on Thursday. Both base 9 and 10 will line up and be collected by your teacher from the main playground entrance, there will be a sign to show you where this is. When we get into school, we will come straight into our class room, your seat will have a label on so you can easily find where you sit. We are not using the lockers so pop your coat on the back of your chair. If you are bringing a lunchbox it needs to go under your chair and your water bottle can be put on the table. You then need to go and wash your hands in the shared area sink.

We need to make sure we stay away from other class bubbles when visiting the toilets so if you see another pupil not from our class in there make sure you wait outside for them to finish. We will also have our own space to play on the playground.

Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday starting from next week so please come in your PE kit on these days. We will try and go outside as much as possible so please come prepared for outside PE.

Please don’t worry about coming in tomorrow, we understand that you might feel nervous, but we are all here for you and looking forward to seeing you again.

Miss Shaw-Jones & Mrs Hindle

REAch2 Academy Trust
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