
Today, Year 5 used microbits to create an advanced version of Rock, Paper, Scissors! We all managed to learn so much due to the expert teaching of @AmazingICT_Paul

Cooking soup!

Today, year 5 made a very delicious vegetable soup! We are all so proud of how safely and carefully they worked. Well done!
The next Jamie Oliver‘s?

Hobgoblin Theatre Visit

This morning, Years 5 and 6 had the privilege of watching ‘A Christmas Carol’ by the Hobgoblin Theatre Company. As expected, there were no “Bah humbugs!” from any of the audience members!

Black history month

On Wednesday,

We were very fortunate to attend a workshop on Black History Month!

We discussed the importance of the month, the importance of equality and we learned about the Windrush!

Here are some pictures!

Year 5 team.


Good morning!

I hope you have all had an amazing summer filled with fun, excitement and…sleep!

Just a reminder, we are using lockers now but please try to limit what you bring (Bags, lunchboxes and water bottles!)

Any concerns then let either of us know on Monday and we will support you. But there is nothing to worry about! We will have a fantastic year.

We all look forward to seeing you on Monday!

EDIT: Just a reminder, PE will be on Tuesday’s and Friday’s! So please come to school IN your PE kit on both days.

Mr Carter, Mrs Williams and Mr Wood


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