Return to School (Year 6)

Welcome Back!

We hope you have had an amazing and well-rested summer holiday.

Our Year 6 PE days are as following:

  • Monday (Indoor)
  • Wednesday (Outdoor)

Please send your children into school wearing PE kit on those days.

We can’t wait to welcome you all back 🙂

Year 6

Year 6 Sports Day

Today, Year 6 participated in their final Sports Day here at Apley Wood. From javelin to the 100m hurdles, everyone had such an amazing time. A special thank you to the weather for staying so warm as well!

Year 6 Reports

Hi all,

Today, we have finally had full confirmation of our Year 6 SAT’s results and these have just been added to your child’s end of year report!

We are absolutely delighted with everyone’s hard work and focus this year.

The SAT’s results, along with your child’s end of year report, will be sent out tomorrow.

Year 6

STEAM week

To celebrate STEAM week, children from Reception to Year 6 have dressed up as famous scientists, astronauts and musicians!

Have a look at some of the amazing costumes from today!

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