Sainsbury’s gardening Donation

School council got to enjoy some lovely spring sunshine on Tuesday afternoon as they planted up a wild flower garden. Sainsbury’s have kindly donated various plants and seeds which Forest school will also soon be planting. School council raked over the ground and used hoes to remove the weeds. (They discovered how much energy they need to do this!) They then distributed the seed across the area and watered it in. A great time was had by all with many exclaiming how much fun it was. Many thanks again to Sainsbury’s for their kind donation.

Local Author Visit

We are very excited to announce that local author, Sarah Griffiths, will be coming for an author visit on Friday 19th May.

Sarah will be sharing her book, ‘The Lost Voices’ and talking to the children about how they can look after our planet and all of its people like the main character. She will also be talking to the children about life as an author and how to get from an idea to a published book.

We can’t wait to find out more!


PE days after Easter

After the Easter holidays, our PE days will return to the following:

Outdoors: Tuesday

Indoors: Thursday

Snow Day Activities

Good morning all!

We have attached some fun ideas below for snow-related activities. Take a look, have a go and bring in some photos next week of what you did.

If you choose to build a snowman, why not try to re-create one of the Anthony Gormley poses that we have been looking at in art.

Snow Day Activity Ideas

Year 4 Winter Themed Challenge Cards

Stay warm and safe but do get out and have fun!


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