London Parents’ Meeting

There will be a short meeting on Monday 15th January at 3:30 in base 13 for any parents whose children are going on the London trip.

This meeting is not compulsory as the key information was given on the original letter sent in June however this meeting will inform parents of the plan for the two days in slightly more detail, specifically including what the children will and won’t need to bring with them.

Pep the Poet – Tuesday 7th

Pep the poet delivered a fantastic assembly to the school today. He read some of his very funny poems using great accents and got the whole school joining in with actions and rhyme. Each class will also be taking part in workshops with Pep based around performing poetry.

Autumn Homework Project

The autumn homework project is now set and children have been given a copy in their reading record.

It is due in on Friday 8th December.

Have a look on the homework page for more information.





A huge thank you to everyone who donated something for our harvest appeal. We had an incredible response and are very grateful indeed. All donations have been sent to ‘Kip’, a charity which supports homeless people.

Thank you again!

Forest School – 19th October

Year 4 will be having a forest school session on Thursday 19th October.

Please ensure that children come to school in appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear e.g. tracksuit, water proof coat and wellies to change into. We shall be taking part in forest school even if the weather is inclement.

Election Results 20.09.23

The votes are in and Year 6 House captains and KS2 school councillors have been chosen.

Congratulations to everyone.

School Council Elections

It’s been another fantastic week for year 4 with lots of hard work completed.

This week the children have also had the chance to nominate themselves for school council. We heard some fantastic, well-considered speeches. Each base voted and the winners were decided.

Base 11 – Evie and William

Base 14 – Christopher and Emmy

Congratulations to all four and very well done to all of those who were brave enough to stand up and present their speeches.

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