Parent DEAR time 01/02/24

Thank you to all of the parents who were able to come to the year 4 parent DEAR time.
This time, we had reading in base 11 and base 14 chose to challenge their parents to complete a reading quiz. We even had a 10/10 from Grace and her dad! Thank you everyone for taking part.

London Parent Information

If you were unable to come to the London parent meeting, please find attached some information which you may find useful regarding the visit itinerary and what to pack.

power point for parents

PE Days – Spring

For Spring term, you child only needs to wear PE kit on a Monday for outdoor PE as our indoor PE this term is swimming.

Outdoor – Monday

Indoor – Wednesday swimming


Arthog Outreach

Your child will be coming home with an Arthog Outreach letter over the next couple of weeks. Please can we ask you to return these as soon as possible.


Many thanks.

London Parents’ Meeting

Just a reminder that there will be a short meeting on Monday 15th January at 3:30 in base 13 for any parents whose children are going on the London trip.

This meeting is not compulsory as the key information was given on the original letter sent in June however this meeting will inform parents of the plan for the two days in slightly more detail, specifically including what the children will and won’t need to bring with them.

Christmas Dinner

Christmas celebrations have been in full swing today at Apley as we all enjoyed our Christmas dinner. We were even lucky enough to have a visit from Telford Town Council’s CEO, David Sidaway, who did a fantastic job of serving the puddings. Merry Christmas all!

Year 4 Forest School

Year 4 will be taking part in Forest School on Thursday 23rd November. Warm clothing and outdoor footwear to be worn please. Letters coming home tonight.

Year 4 Children In Need

There was no need for face paint today due to all of the hot, red faces after dancing and keeping fit for Children in Need. Year 4 had a great time and a great time and gave it there all. Well done and thank you to Mr Mountford for arranging it.

REAch2 Academy Trust
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