Adventure in a bath

Yesterday, whilst in school, the children were asked to use the following picture as a stimulus to create an idea for another adventure that the girl in the bath might go on. Unfortunately, they didn’t get chance to finish them, but you can already see some great ideas of jungles and arctic landscapes developing.





Home Learning

This week, Georgia has been learning all about the artist Pablo Picasso. She has created her own explanation text and surrealist paintings. Georgia has also managed to keep up with her cheer leading training by making use of online training. Keep it up Georgia!


Ethan has been using the ‘Arts for kids club’ on YouTube to create some absolutely fantastic pictures! I am really impressed.

Home Activities

It’s great to see how you are keeping yourselves busy at home and how varied your activities are. Lucy has clearly been organising her day very well!


Bethan’s European Quiz

Bethan has been extremely busy again completing this week’s quiz challenge. Year 5 are proving themselves to be hard taskmasters in the question department! Super work again, Bethan!

Follow the links to have a go.

Bethan’s quiz

Bethan’s quiz answers

Quiz Master

Ross has also been busily creating his quiz master cards this week. Clearly a lot of effort and research has gone into these! Fantastic Ross and definitely challenging!

Follow the link for the questions and answers – no cheating now!

Ross’s quiz




Sky High!

Ross has been working really hard on his weekly challenges. The first up today is ‘Sky High’ a terrific roller coaster full of twists and turns. Great work Ross!

What’s at the end of the tunnel?

Today, the children were shown this picture and asked to come up with what they would like to find at the end of the tunnel. Their ideas were fantastic and ranged from treasure chests to circuses and play parks. Have a look at a selection of the children’s work.

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