Year 5 Weekly Challenge

This week’s challenge takes advantage of the – hopefully – nice weather.

As it’s the time of year when sports day would normally be taking place, we would like you to come up with your own sporting event that you and your family could take part in. For example, an obstacle course, goal shots, egg and spoon race etc. As always, we would love to have some photos sent in which we can put up on our class pages.

On your marks, get set, GO!

Home Learning

Ethan from Base 12 looks to have been doing a whole ream of English work! From SPAG through to writing for different genres. I am incredibly impressed Ethan!

Free Online Phonics Resources

Oxford Owl have produced some free online resources to help parents to support their child at home to learn their phonics. Follow the link below.

Oxford Owl Phonics Resources

Home Learning

Ross from Base 12 has been enjoying reading the the ‘Ickabog’ chapters online this week and has been practising his cartoon drawings to illustrate what he thinks two of the characters might look like! Well done Ross!

Vikings and Anglo-Saxons

Ross from B12 has been really busy again this week completing his Vikings challenge. Not only that, but he has also roped his big sister in on the work too – well done Ross!

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