Year 5 Weekly Challenge

This week’s challenge is to not only get reading, but to be seen reading in an as unusual a place as you can think of or in an usual position. We’d love to see what you can come up with and what you are reading and enjoying.

Home Learning Projects

Ethan from base 12 has been doing an incredible amount of work on an array of subjects. He has carried out research into the Anglo Saxons and Vikings; researched the planets in our solar system and put together some very useful information on E-safety. I am hugely impressed Ethan! You have clearly worked hard and they are presented beautifully!

Sports Day Challenge

Ross managed to complete his sports day challenge last week on the hottest day of the year so far! He put together 5 different events and kept a record of his times and scores. Brilliant work Ross!

Year 5 Weekly Challenge

It’s time for another challenge and this week we’d like you to build – either inside or outside – your own den or fort. It can be as big or as small as you like but we’d like you to be able to fit inside it.

As always, send in any photographs or drawings of your creation.

Happy building!

Space Project

Ross from Base 12 has been working incredibly hard on his space project over the last couple of weeks.

He started by watching the Oak National Academy assembly on Discovery, with the British astronaut, Helen Sharman, talking about her visit to the Mir Space Station.  He then really enjoyed watching the SpaceX Launch online and followed Bob and Doug’s journey to the International Space Station on Crew Dragon.  Inspired by what he’d watched, he completed a fun Space themed activity book and learnt lots of facts about space and the solar system.  He shared his favourite facts with us on a giant fact sheet and coloured pictures of the Earth, Sun, Saturn, a satellite, an astronaut and an alien to decorate it.

His favourite fact from his research (and one I still can’t get over) was that a full NASA space suit costs a whopping £12 million pounds!

Online Learning Reminder

Each week, we will be posting Maths and English resources in addition to a weekly challenge each Monday. There will also be MyMaths set twice weekly (Mondays and Wednesday) and TT Rock stars weekly too.

If you would like any additional or alternative work, here is a reminder of all the useful links that you can be accessing from home.

Daily online lessons:

General Useful links:



Our topics for this term are:

  • Space in Science
  • Anglo Saxons vs Vikings in History.
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