Base 5 Remote Learning

If you have any trouble accessing any of the links or work from the remote learning timetable which was posted this morning, or you feel your child needs any resources in order to help them to complete the activities, please do not hesitate to contact school.

Rainforest Homework Project

Please see below for this term’s year 5 homework project.

Autumn project – Rainforest

Homework Project

As we are trying to limit what you are bringing in to school, please can you take a photograph/s of your project instead of bringing it in. You will still be able to present your project to the class but will use the photograph/s rather than the project itself. We will display your photograph/s on the whiteboard, as you’re presenting your project, so please can you ask your parents to email us your photograph/s at:



The project hand-in date remains the same so please email your project photograph/s to us by that date.



Remote Learning – 2nd Nov

Please find below the year 5 timetable for remote learning for the week beginning 2nd November.

2nd Nov Timetable

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