Whole School Author Visit on 9th July

On the 9th July, we are really lucky to be having children’s author Samantha Fletcher-Goodwin coming to visit us in school.

Samantha is going to be sharing her new book, ‘Glow From The Inside’, and talking to the children about how she became an author and the processes involved. Samantha’s book is available to purchase from Amazon and Waterstones.

PE – Thursday 20th photo day

Just a reminder to parents to please send your children into school in their school uniform on photo day.

Children can bring their PE kit in a bag in order to have any sports team photos taken.

Base 11 will have PE in the afternoon this week.

KS1 and KS2 cake sale

We will be holding 2 cake sales in July to raise money for school and would really appreciate any cake donations that you can bring in on those days.

The cakes will be on sale to the children during their breaktime.

EYFS/KS1 – Friday 5th July

KS2 – Friday 12th July


Forest School and PE reminder

Just a reminder that each Thursday this half term, your child will need to come to school in their indoor PE kit but with appropriate outdoor clothing for forest school. The ground is currently still very wet so wellies and waterproofs would be ideal.


World Book Day 11-03-24

Thank you to everyone for a fantastic World Book Day on Monday. We had amazing costumes from both children and staff; a great visit from local author, Sarah Griffiths, and a story share with older children reading the younger children’s favourite stories to them.

World Book Day 11-03-24

Base 14 had a great day celebrating World Book Day. They came to school in fantastic costumes and enjoyed guessing which characters they had all come as.


World Book Day Monday 11th March

Due to our year 5 residential, we will be celebrating

World Book Day this year on Monday 11th March.


Come to school dressed as your favourite

book character or author and bring in your

favourite book to share with children from another year group.


Author Visit: we will also be having a visit from local author, Sarah Griffiths, who will be sharing her fantastic new book with us.



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