Year 4 Family Lunch

Don’t forget that it is the year 4 family lunch on Wednesday 23rd November. Come and enjoy a lovely meal with your child in our dining hall.

Pedestrian Training

Just a reminder that year 4s ‘Stepping out’ pedestrian training is next week.

Base 7 – Tuesday 22nd November

Base 8 – Thursday 24th November

Please send children in with an appropriate coat as we shall still be going even if stays as wet as it currently is! Thank you.

Ancient Egyptian Workshop

Don’t forget to dress up tomorrow for our ‘Portals to the Past’ Egyptian workshop where we will learn all about the life of ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

Ancient Egytians Day

Don’t forget to dress up on Thursday 10th November for our Ancient Egyptians Day. You might come as a Pharaoh, mummy, cat or even an archaeologist like Howard Carter. It should be a great day of facts and fun!

Egyptian Workshop

Don’t forget to dress up on Thursday 10th November for our ‘Portals to the Past’ Egyptian workshop where we will learn all about the life of ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

Show Racism The Red Card

On Friday 21st October during our ‘Diversity Week’, we are encouraging everyone to wear red to school in support of the ‘Show Racism The Red Card’ campaign.

REAch2 Academy Trust
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