Harvest Donation Thank you

Father Stuart delivered a really lovely harvest assembly to the children on Monday about the importance of sharing what we have. A huge thank you to everyone who has kindly donated something for our harvest appeal. All donations are now being sent on to Telford Crisis Support. Thank you again.

School Council 2024-25

Key Stage 2 have now all had the chance to nominate themselves for school council this year. Many wonderful speeches were prepared and given and the classes have voted. Each key stage 2 class now has 2 school council representatives for this academic year. Our new school council are now proudly wearing their new school council badges and are due to have their first official meeting next week. Very well done to everyone who put themselves forward for school council and congratulations to the children who were voted in.

Another fantastic week!

We have had another fantastic week in year 4. We are so proud of how well the children are demonstrating our new behaviour curriculum. Well done to all children in year 4 for being positive role models to everybody within the school!


Just a reminder that our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Please send your child to school in PE kit on both of these days.


Many thanks,

The Year 4 team 🙂

Welcome back year 4!

What a brilliant start to the year we have had! 

This week, Year 4 have had an amazing attitude towards their learning and have settled well into their new classes.

We have had fantastic teamwork, lots of great discussions and can clearly see our new behaviour curriculum already being implemented by the children.

A huge well done to Year 4! 🙂

We hope everybody has a great weekend!

Library Redesign

Before the summer, our library was closed off to the pupils for the last two weeks so that it could undergo a revamp. During the summer, Mrs Corrigan dedicated many hours to this task and has created an absolutely transformed library space with fresh, sky-coloured walls, woodland themed wall coverings, cushions, cuddly toys and an amazing 3D tree. A massive thank you to Mrs Corrigan for creating such a lovely space where all of our children can spend time listening to stories and choosing their own library books. A big thank you also to FAWS for funding some of these changes.

General information – September 2024

Welcome back!

We hope you and your children had a fantastic, restful and fun Summer holidays. We are really excited to jump straight back into our brilliant lesson topics with your children. We just have a couple of reminders for you:

Morning drop-off/End of the day collection areas

Base 7 – The central doors between Base 7 and Base 8.

Base 8 – The classroom door.

PE days

Mondays (Outdoor)

Thursdays (Indoor)

Please send your children into school wearing PE kit on those days.

Thank you,

Mrs Richards, Mrs Williams and Miss Gilmour



Homework information – September 2024

Welcome to Year 4!

Here is some information about Year 4 Homework expectations. Please read the below.

Each week, spelling and maths homework will be set.

Spelling homework will be sent home on Friday stuck in the reading record.

Please ensure that your child copies out their spellings each night and practises for the following Friday before we have our spelling test.

Maths homework is set via MyMaths.

This happens every Friday and should be completed by the following Friday.

Read with your child as much as possible at home.

Please read with and question your children on what they are reading. Please record this in their reading record. They should also be encouraged to record their own reading, page numbers and comments.

National Year 4 Times Tables Speed Check preparation is important.

In June, the children will sit the National Times Tables Speed Check. Each child has their own Times Tables Rockstars login so please encourage them to practise their times tables on this. It would be very beneficial to your child’s preparation if they practised weekly on this.

Thank you,

Mrs Richards, Mrs Williams and Miss Gilmour

Impressive STEAM careers presentations

Base 14 produced and presented some absolutely fantastic posters yesterday. They researched a STEAM related career and a related scientist and then presented their findings to the class. Very impressive creativity – well done!

STEAM – Career dress up day

Wow! Base 14 looked fantastic today and described the links between STEAM careers and their outfits brilliantly. Well done!

Year 3 and 4 Sports’ Day

Despite the gathering clouds, the drizzling rain and umbrellas going up all around, the year 3 and 4 sports’ day went ahead with enormous success: so much so that by the end, the rain had disappeared.

The children gave their all to the field and track events and there was great success, achievement and fun all around. We definitely have some future archers and javelin throwers in our midst.

Thank you so much to everyone who came along and supported the children, even in the not-so glorious summer weather.

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