Year 1 Forest School

On Thursday 21st September, all Year 1 children will be doing Forest School activities. Please could children come to school wearing their outdoor PE kit as normal, but could they also bring suitable footwear (wellies/old trainers) in a carrier bag. Please also ensure your child has a waterproof coat to wear in case it rains.

Many thanks,

Year 1 Team

Year 1 spellings w/c 18.09.23

Please find attached the spellings for w/c 18th September. This week, all children will be learning to spell common exception words (we call these ‘red’ words). We have chosen words that children will often use in their writing. We have also stuck the spellings in your child’s reading diary, with spaces to practise writing the words. Please encourage your child to write out each of the words daily to help them learn the spellings. The children will be tested on these spellings on Friday 22nd September.

Spellings Website 18.09.23


Year 1 Reading and Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Today your child has come home with a reading diary and reading book. The book is linked to your child’s phonics group and is similar to the book they are reading in school. Please try to listen to your child read as much as possible, and record what they have read in their diary. Encourage them to sound out and blend unfamiliar words, and ask them questions about what is happening in the book.

The ‘Reading Gems’ that are stuck in the front of the diary are the same as the ones we use in school and link to the different skills that the children will be using.

The books will be changed every Tuesday and Friday, but children need to have their book and diary in school every day.

Children will have spellings stuck into their reading diary every Friday beginning next week. They need to practise these at home and will be tested on the spellings of these words the following Friday in school. Each week, the spellings will also be added to the school website on the year group page.

We are now using ‘Numbots’ as our maths homework in Year 1. We have sent a letter with information about this in your child’s reading diary. Login details are also stuck at the back of the diary. We would like your child to complete 3 minutes on ‘Story Mode’, 4 to 5 times a week. Story mode will then unlock a range of challenges for your child to complete, the emphasis of the challenges is on rapid responses to essential facts and simple calculations, against the clock. We will be able to track the children’s progress through the story mode, and see how they are getting on with their challenges.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Many thanks,

The Year 1 Team.

Autumn Term in Year 1

Good afternoon Year 1!

We have attached our long term overview for Autumn Term. We are very much looking forward to working with you on all of our brilliant topics.

Year 1 Autumn term

Welcome back Year 1!

Good afternoon Year 1!

We are very much looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and we can’t wait to have you back in school. We hope that you have had a lovely summer break.
Please remember to bring your water bottle and a small healthy snack to school with you, and make sure these have your name on.

In Year 1 our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Please come into school wearing full school PE kit on these days. If you have earrings, please take these out or bring in Micropore tape to cover them up.

We will update our year group page with important information as necessary, so please check back regularly.

See you all tomorrow,
Year 1 Team

Slimy Science

Year 1 have had great fun today making slime using cornflour and water. They loved exploring how the slime felt and how it changed in their hands. The children asked some fantastic questions about what was happening and why.

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