Year 1 PE

Year 1 will be doing PE every Friday from tomorrow (Friday 11th June). Please could children come to school suitably dressed in their outdoor PE kit – T-shirt, joggers/leggings, trainers and a warm top/sweatshirt. They will wear this all day, so will not require a change of clothes.

Many thanks,

Year 1 Team

White Rose Maths week 7 (w/c 8th June)

Hello Year 1!

We hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. We are really looking forward to seeing some of you back in school this week. For those of you who will still be learning at home, please see the attached White Rose worksheets and answers for Summer Term, Week 7 home learning tasks. The accompanying videos for all of these lessons can be found on the White Rose website at

Lesson 1:

Lesson 1 Count in 2s 2019


Lesson 2:

Lesson 2 Count in 5s 2019


Lesson 3:

Lesson 3 Count in 10s 2020


Lesson 4:

Lesson 4 Add equal groups 2020


Returning to school

Please take the time to share the PowerPoint presentation with your children before they return to school. It will hopefully help them to understand what school will be like when they return. We look forward to seeing you all again soon!

Returning to school ppt Year 1

Take care,

Year 1 Team

White Rose Maths week 6 (w/c 1st June)

Hello Year 1!

We hope you have all had a wonderful half term. What beautiful weather we have had! Please see the attached White Rose worksheets and answers for Summer Term, Week 6 home learning tasks. The accompanying videos for all of these lessons can be found on the White Rose website at

Lesson 1:

Lesson 1 – Measure mass 2019

Lesson 1 Answers – Measure mass 2019

Lesson 2:

Lesson 2 – Compare mass 2019

Lesson 2 Answers – Compare mass 2019

Lesson 3:

Lesson 3 – Introduce capacity and volume 2019

Lesson 3 Answers – Introduce capacity and volume 2019

Lesson 4:

Lesson 4 – Measure capacity 2019

Lesson 4 Answers – Measure capacity 2019

Bags of happiness

In school yesterday, the children decorated cotton bags with pictures of things that made them feel happy. They then wrote positive messages or happy memories on strips of paper and put them inside their bags. When the children are feeling a little fed up or sad, they can take out a happy message to read, which will hopefully put a smile back on their face.


‘Handmade’ rainbow art

Yesterday, the children in school used colourful handprints to create a giant rainbow. They had great fun getting messy with the paints!

White Rose Maths Week 5 (w/c 18th May)

Hello Year 1!

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Please see the attached White Rose worksheets and answers for Summer Term, Week 5 home learning tasks. The accompanying videos for all of these lessons can be found on the White Rose website at

Lesson 1:

Lesson 1 – Compare lengths and heights 2019

Lesson 1 Answers – Compare lengths and heights 2019

Lesson 2:

Lesson 2 – Measure length (1) 2019

Lesson 2 Answers – Measure length (1) 2019

Lesson 3:

Lesson 3 – Measure length (2) 2019

Lesson 3 Answers – Measure length (2) 2019

Lesson 4:

Lesson 4 – Introduce weight and mass 2019

Lesson 4 Answers – Introduce weight and mass 2019


White Rose Maths – Year 1 Week 4 (w/c 11th May)

Hi all,

For those of you using the White Rose website for maths this week, you will have noticed that they have stopped providing the free worksheets that go with each video. As a school, we have subscribed to access these, so will post the matching resources to the school website at the beginning of each week.

Please see attached White Rose worksheets and answers for Summer Term, Week 4 home learning tasks. The accompanying videos for all of these lessons can be found on the White Rose website at

Lesson 1: 

Lesson 1 Add by making 10 2019

Lesson 1 Answers Add by making 10 2019

Lesson 2: 

Lesson 2 Subtraction – crossing 10 (1) 2019

Lesson 2 Answers Subtraction – crossing 10 (1) 2019

Lesson 3: 

Lesson 3 Subtraction – crossing 10 (2) 2019

Lesson 3 Answers Subtraction – crossing 10 (2) 2019

Lesson 4:

Lesson 4 Compare number sentences 2019

Lesson 4 Answers Compare number sentences 2019

Spencer – home learning

Spencer has been really busy at home. He has been spending time working on his number skills, and has made some great progress with his reading and recognising familiar words. He’s also been doing some crafts and baking and has enjoyed time in the garden. Fantastic Spencer – keep up the great work!

Spencer has also got some really exciting news – he now has a new baby brother! Congratulations!

Reminder of summer home learning ideas

Just a reminder of some additional ideas for home learning activities that you might like to try whilst you are not in school. These are linked to the topics that we would have been learning about during the Summer Term. Please do not feel that you have to do them all – these are just suggestions.

Y1 Summer Term Home learning PDF version

If you do not have access to a printer at home, activities can be done on any paper or in a notebook, or even just discussed.

BBC Bitesize are currently streaming daily lessons for each age group. More information about this can be found at and

In addition to this, Plan Bee are offering some free home learning packs for primary children.

Remember it is also important to stay active, so we have included some links to ideas that you could use at home:


We hope you all stay safe and well, and look forward to seeing you all when we are back at school. Parents, if you have any questions, or would like to share anything your children have done at home, please email .

Thank you for everything you are doing – you are all superstars!

Year 1 Team





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