Exploring old toys

As part of our History topic, Year 1 have been exploring a range of toys from the past. They had great fun playing with the old-fashioned toys.

Maths homework 21.01.22

This week’s maths homework is on MyMaths online.

Use what you have learnt this about one more and one less and comparing amounts to work out the answers to Q1. For Q2, use the number lines to help you work out the answers.

Year 1 remote timetable w/c 10.01.22

If you are working from home this week, please find attached the Year 1 remote learning timetable.

Timetable wc 10.01.22

Ninja Warriors!

Year 1 really enjoyed their Ninja Warrior experience this morning.

Year 1 Christmas parties

Year 1 had great fun this afternoon at their Christmas parties.

Christmas jumper reminder

For the KS1 Christmas production, Year 1 will need to wear a Christmas jumper. Please could the children bring these into school in a named carrier bag on Monday 6th December, and leave these in school for filming on Tuesday and Thursday. They will bring them home on Thursday 9th December ready to wear on Christmas jumper day on Friday 10th.

Many thanks,

Year 1 team.

REAch2 Academy Trust
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