Base 12’s spontaneous sprint

Base 12 enjoyed their spontaneous 9am run this morning. What a refreshing way to begin the day on a rather chilly November morning. Keep it up!

Base 12’s PE circuits

Yesterday afternoon, Base 12 had a fantastic PE lesson completing a range of circuits. As well as the fact that they really enjoyed the lesson, they completed a brilliant variety of exercises too.

Well done Base 12! Let’s hope the “Kiwis” can beat the “Melons” next time!

Welcome back Year 5!

Good morning Year 5,

We are really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow! We hope you have all had a fantastic Summer holiday and we look forward to hearing all about it.

Here are a couple of reminders for you:

  • Lockers will not be being used.
  • Only bring in your coat, water bottle and lunch box. From Week 3, please bring your reading book and diary in on a Monday. You will be given time to get a book during Week 2. Please do not bring in school bags.
  • You must remain socially distanced when walking around school.
  • You will be given regular handwashing opportunities.
  • You will need to remain separated from children from different class ‘bubbles’ when visiting the toilet.
  • You will have a certain seat so please find your name label tomorrow.
  • Our PE days are on Wednesdays and Fridays, starting from Week 2, so please come into school wearing your PE kit.

Enjoy the rest of today and please don’t worry about tomorrow! We are very excited to see you all.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs Williams, Miss Plant and Mrs Richards.

Self care for the summer

We completely understand that you’re bound to be feeling a bit nervous about September but please focus on yourselves for a bit now. Your own mental health and wellbeing is vitally important so here are some self care activities for you.

Have a lovely Summer holiday! You all deserve it!

Take care of yourselves!

Mrs Richards, Miss Bloore and Miss Wade.


Base 10 – End of year letter

Base 10,

We are incredibly proud of you all and wish we could speak to you in person before the Summer holidays that begins tomorrow. Unfortunately, we can’t speak to you in person but we have written you a letter.

Please read it as we really want you to know how special you are.

Take care,

Mrs Richards and Miss Bloore.

End of year letter to children Base 10

Base 9 – End of year letter

Base 9,

I am SO proud of you! I have written you a letter as I, sadly, won’t be able to speak to you in person before the Summer holidays begins tomorrow.

Please read it as I really want you to know how special you are.

Take care,

Miss Wade.

End of year letter to children Base 9

White Rose Learning Pack – Week 12

Good morning Year 3,

Here are the worksheets and answers for White Rose learning.

Give them a go and then check the answers.

Best wishes,

Mrs Richards, Miss Bloore and Miss Wade.










White Rose Learning Pack – Week 11

Good morning Year 3,

Here are the worksheets and answers for White Rose learning.

Give them a go and then check the answers.

Best wishes,

Mrs Richards, Miss Bloore and Miss Wade.









Home update – Base 10

Finlay is fascinated by the Titanic so has completed a mini project on it. He has built the Titanic in Lego and by junk modelling/paper mache and painting too. Finlay has researched the events of the Titanic, read a non fiction book about it, labelled the parts of a ship, written a newspaper report on the event and written a diary entry from the perspective of the first person to see the iceberg. This is so impressive! Well done.

Additionally, Finlay has been working hard on his 8 times table and has completed lots of work on fractions. He has almost mastered all of the year 3/4 spellings and has finished his second lot of CPG workbooks. He particularly enjoyed the plant life workbook.

Finlay, we would just like to say how proud and impressed we are of all of your hard work!

Summer 2 – Home learning opportunities – Reminder

Here is a reminder about the organisational information for your home learning.


1. We will upload weekly White Rose learning.

2. We will set MyMaths activities twice weekly (Mondays and Wednesdays).

3. We will set TT Rockstars weekly.

4. We will re-upload a set of additional maths activities weekly.


1. There are lists of English, Science, RE, Character Education and History/Geography activities available on the Summer 2 overview. It is up to you whether you choose to work through them subject by subject or whether you pick one activity, from each subject, weekly.

2. We will upload a weekly challenge, which could be from any subject, for you to have a go at. We would really like updates and photographs of your favourite activities for the website.

Our email addresses:

Base 9 –

Base 10 –


1. There are a range of English activities listed on the Summer 2 overview. Instead of uploading new English activities weekly, the activities are all on the overview for you to complete in your own time.

2. We will re-upload a set of additional English activities weekly.

Should you need any additional work, here are some useful links that you can access at home.



Purple Mash:

Go Noodle! (fun activities for your mental health and wellbeing) :

Classroom Secrets (a range of English, Maths and Phonics videos and games):

Twinkl (a range of resources for all of the subjects) :

We hope you enjoy your home learning for this half term!

Mrs Richards, Miss Bloore and Miss Wade

REAch2 Academy Trust
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