Summer 2 – Home learning opportunities – Reminder

Here is a reminder about the organisational information for your home learning.


1. We will upload weekly White Rose learning.

2. We will set MyMaths activities twice weekly (Mondays and Wednesdays).

3. We will set TT Rockstars weekly.

4. We will re-upload a set of additional maths activities weekly.


1. There are lists of English, Science, RE, Character Education and History/Geography activities available on the Summer 2 overview. It is up to you whether you choose to work through them subject by subject or whether you pick one activity, from each subject, weekly.

2. We will upload a weekly challenge, which could be from any subject, for you to have a go at. We would really like updates and photographs of your favourite activities for the website.

Our email addresses:

Base 9 –

Base 10 –


1. There are a range of English activities listed on the Summer 2 overview. Instead of uploading new English activities weekly, the activities are all on the overview for you to complete in your own time.

2. We will re-upload a set of additional English activities weekly.

Should you need any additional work, here are some useful links that you can access at home.



Purple Mash:

Go Noodle! (fun activities for your mental health and wellbeing) :

Classroom Secrets (a range of English, Maths and Phonics videos and games):

Twinkl (a range of resources for all of the subjects) :

We hope you enjoy your home learning for this half term!

Mrs Richards, Miss Bloore and Miss Wade

Additional maths and English activities – Reminder

Here is a reminder of the additional maths and English resources. Remember that these are additional to the information already posted. Complete them, across the half term, at a speed that is right for you. Remember – your health and wellbeing is very important so spend some time enjoying hobbies and family time too.


Coordinating conjunctions

Correct the spellings


Subordinating conjunctions

SPAG activity mat 1

SPAG activity mat 2

SPAG activity mat 3

SPAG activity mat 4

SPAG activity mat 5

SPAG activity mat 6


2D shape drawing

Colour by multiplication

Greater than or less than

Investigating lines of symmetry

Name the 3D shape

Reflective patterns

Mixture of both




White Rose Learning pack – Week 9

Good morning Year 3,

Here are the worksheets and answers for White Rose learning.

Give them a go and then check the answers.

Best wishes,

Mrs Richards, Miss Bloore and Miss Wade.











Weekly challenge 4 – 22/06/20

English and maths

Conjunctions game

We thought it would be fun to listen to every family member in your household, just for one day, and tally up/note down how many times they say a conjunction.

This is a fun activity but is also good for your listening skills, SPAG awareness and counting skills.

Examples of popularly used coordinating conjunctions: and, but, so, or

Examples of popularly used subordinating conjunctions: because, when, if, as 

We are intrigued to find out the most popular conjunctions in your households so please email a picture of your results to:

Base 9:

Base 10:


White Rose Learning pack – Week 8

Good morning Year 3,

Here are the worksheets and answers for White Rose learning.

Give them a go and then check the answers.

Best wishes,

Mrs Richards, Miss Bloore and Miss Wade.









Weekly challenge 3 – 15/6/20

Science – plants

Draw an accurate diagram of a plant ensuring that you use labels to identify each different part. Additionally, write a brief explanation to describe the importance of each part of the plant and its function.

How to Care for Indoor Plants: 15 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Please send your photographs to:

Base 9:

Base 10:

Home update – Base 10

Noah celebrated his birthday, during half term, and spent ages relaxing in his swimming pool. Whilst enjoying his half term, he managed to master telling the time. This is extremely impressive. Noah has been really enjoying his maths work, particularly symmetry, too. On top of this, he has been completing more science experiments, English work and learning about the Romans.

Well done Noah! This is fantastic.

Home learning update – Base 10 and Base 12

Xavier and Freya have been enjoying painting, general art and baking. Also, they have been planting seeds and enjoying the daily routine of watering them and analysing their growth. They are keeping a close eye on and looking after carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, sunflowers and more flowers.

We are all very impressed with you both. Well done!



White Rose Learning pack – Week 7

Good morning Year 3,

Here are the worksheets and answers for White Rose learning.

Give them a go and then check the answers.

Best wishes,

Mrs Richards, Miss Bloore and Miss Wade.









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