Family DEAR time – 14/2/23

Thank you so much to the family members of some of our Year 4 children who came and shared our DEAR time with us on Tuesday. The whole atmosphere was wonderful and the children couldn’t stop smiling.

Fractions game – 8/2/23

Year 4 had a brilliant time working together to complete their fractions maths game today. Well done!

Solid, Liquid or Gas? 18.01.23

Year 4 worked brilliantly in their science groups when sorting items into categories. We are very impressed with how hard you’re working, both independently and in groups, during lessons. Keep it up!

Particles role play 16.01.2023

Year 4 have been learning about states of matter in Science. To make their learning more visual and interesting, they completed a role play activity acting as particles in solids, liquids and gases.

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome back to school!

We are so excited to see you all again and are looking forward to a fantastic year.

Here are a couple of reminders and introductions for you.

Base 7 – Mrs Beardwood

Base 8 – Mrs Richards (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Williams (Thurs-Fri)

Teaching Assistant – Mrs Ryan

Base 7 morning and end-of-day routine –  Please drop off and collect your children at the fire exit door in between Base 7 and Base 8.

Base 8 morning and end-of-day routine – Please drop off and collect your children at the Base 8 fire door.

Homework – all log in details will be available in the back of reading diaries by the end of the week.

Reading – please can you listen to your children read, ideally, 3 times a week. Children have the opportunity to win the ‘Reading Star’ each week for their efforts in reading.

Spellings – spellings will be sent home on a weekly basis and the children will be tested on a Friday. The first lot of spellings will be sent home this Friday.

Maths Homework – we will set MyMaths homework each Friday to be completed by the following Friday. If you are struggling with online access, we can provide a book for you.

Physical Education – please send your children in their school PE kits on their PE days. They will not need their uniform. Indoor PE is on Thursdays. Outdoor PE is on Tuesdays. We are having PE tomorrow but don’t worry about PE kit as it’s the first day.

We have attached our exciting long term overview for Autumn term. We are very much looking forward to working with you on all of our brilliant topics.

See you all tomorrow,

Mrs Richards, Mrs Beardwood, Mrs Williams and Mrs Ryan.

Year 4 Autumn Term Overview update

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