Year 5 – Base 13 English – 14.03.24

This week, in Base 13, we looked at the correct use of colons and commas. The children worked in groups to organise sentences using colons and commas correctly.

The team work was great and we even thought of our own sentences about what Mrs Stinson would like to have in her classroom using a colon and commas in the right way.

Well done Base 13!

Base 13 – World Book Day – 11.03.24

We have had a great time so far on World Book Day in Base 13. We really enjoyed the author visit and Mrs Stinson read one of her favourite books from her childhood, “Happy Mouseday”.

We’ve then written our own book reviews of some of our favourite books.

Well done Base 13!





Base 13 – Safer Internet Day 06.02.24

This week, in Base 13, we looked at different features used online and how they impact us as internet users. This was related to Safer Internet Day, where the focus this year was ‘Changes Online’.

Well done Base 13 for some great teamwork and discussions!

Year 5 – Orienteering 28.11.23

Year 5 worked brilliantly this afternoon in PE!

They used their teamwork skills and were great at orienteering around the school playground, finding different letters to create words together.

We are so proud of everything you achieved this afternoon.


Year 5 Spellings W3

Here are your spellings for this week. Your test will be on Friday 24th November.

Year 5 Forest School Tiles

This week, in Forest School, we created our own ’tile’ using clay and natural resources to depict different elements of life in Ancient Greece. 

They are absolutely brilliant and we can’t wait to display them in school.

Well done Year 5!

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