Base 13 PE – 25.05.24

This afternoon, Year 5 welcome Matt, Mrs Stinson’s husband who plays at Wellington Cricket Club, to our PE lesson. After enjoying cricket so much last half term, Matt kindly came into school to teach a cricket session to the children. They were brilliant and loved the drills that he set up.

Not content with one PE activity, we then swapped fields and joined Mr Mountford for some running races, in preparation for our upcoming sports day.
Well done Base 13 and Base 12 for a great attitude towards the lessons today, especially in the heat.


(Below, are some photos of Base 13 enjoying the afternoon)

Base 13 – Perspective Drawing 23.5.24

Today in Base 13, we have been starting to create our own flip books showing the journey of the Highwayman using perspective.
Keep an eye out for the finished products tomorrow when we start to add colour using oil pastels, layering the colours in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.

Year 5 Spellings w/c 22nd April

This week’s spellings are below:


We will have our Spelling Test on Friday 26th April.

Year 5 PE – Cricket – 16.04.24

This half term, in PE, we are learning about Cricket. Luckily, Mrs Stinson’s husband is an avid cricketer and has sent in his full cricket kit for us to look at. This inspired us to get stuck in to our introduction to bowling out on the field.


Year 5 PE

As we no longer have swimming on a Wednesday, PE days for Year 5 are now Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please make sure that you wear your PE kit on these days and that you are wearing appropriate footwear.


Mrs Stinson and Miss Perks


REAch2 Academy Trust
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