VE Day

As VE Day is approaching tomorrow, here is a Free VE Day Podcast from History Storytime.

Sophie (aged 7) and Ellie (aged 4) are sad to be missing the VE Day celebrations because of the Coronavirus. They had been planning a VE Day street party but now they are trapped at home. So with their Daddy they tell the story of the VE Day celebrations. They learn how awful World War 2 had been. They understand just how relieved ordinary people were to put it all behind them. They get swept up in the VE Day Party atmosphere of 75 years ago.

Weekly Challenge!

This week, we would love to see some different pieces of art work. We would like you to create a piece of art that reflects how you have been spending your time over the past month. Be creative! This could be done as a drawing, painting or collage. I’m sure you will all have some fantastic ideas.

Remember to send your pictures to us:

We look forward to seeing your amazing art!


VE Day

On the 8th May, we will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day. We thought that it would be a great idea if you could still celebrate this at home.

Here are some ideas of what you could do:
Design a teacup t-h-321-ks2-ve-day-teacup-design-activity_ver_2
Design/create a medal t3-h-123-design-a-ve-day-medal-activity-sheet_ver_1
Decorate your house using bunting t-t-2548139-union-jack-template-display-bunting_ver_1

If you would like to explain this event to your child, here is a document that explains what VE Day is. t2-t-1578-ve-day-75th-anniversary-information-powerpoint-_ver_2

It would be lovely to see anything that you do to celebrate this occasion. Please send any pictures to the school email address so that these can be put onto the newsletter.

Summer Term Topics

This term, our topics are ‘Fairtrade’ and ‘Animals Including Humans’. Below are some lesson ideas and links that you could follow. For all of these, you do not need to print anything – you can either use a pen and paper or do it online.

Science – Animals Including Humans

You can work your way through these six lessons about the human anatomy. When you open this link, download the file. Then open each file titled ‘Lesson 1 -6’. Inside these folders are great lessons with PowerPoints and resources.

Here are some other links for good interactive activities and videos:

Topic – Fairtrade

This is your Fairtrade project for the term: Fairtrade project

This link may be useful to help you with your project:





Weekly Challenge!

Hello Year 6 – we hope you had a lovely Easter and ate lots of chocolate!

This week, for your challenge, we would like you to invent a habitat for an animal of your choice.

Our Science topic this term is ‘animals including humans’ so this challenge is a great start to introduce you to this unit.

You could draw your habitat for your animal, label the different features and explain why you have used them. You could even create your habitat using things from your house (like cardboard, plastic etc) and write an explanation about why your habitat would suit the animal of your choice. Be creative!

If you complete the challenge, please send your pictures to:

We look forward to seeing some of your incredible creations!

Keep it up!

Miss Whitehouse and I have loved receiving your pictures this week – it has really brightened up our days.

Please continue to send us any work or creations that you have done at home. It is so lovely to see what you have all been up to.

Send any pictures to:

The Weekly Challenge

Wow – these tasty treats look amazing! I would have loved to have had some of those this week.

Jacob has been a fabulous baker this week. He has made Easter chocolate rice krispie cakes, scones and home made waffles.

Keep up the super baking Jacob!

The Weekly Challenge

It has been so lovely to receive some pictures of different children completing the weekly challenge.

Here is Kassy making fried chicken and rice for lunch. I’m sure whoever was lucky enough to taste it, would have loved it! Thank you Kassy – keep up the good work!


The Weekly Challenge!

To keep in contact with you all, we have decided to start a weekly challenge. Each week, we will set you a challenge to do at home. We would like you to send us a picture of yourselves completing the challenge so we can post it on the school website – we thought this would be a great way of keeping in touch with each other.

Please can you send us your pictures by Friday each week and we will upload these onto the school website. Our emails are:

CHALLENGE – Year 6, please make a meal for someone at home. This could be something small or you could make the evening meal!

Miss Morgan and Miss Whitehouse

MyMaths and TTRS

Work has been set on Times Tables Rockstars and MyMaths for the children to complete this week. Each week, new work will be set which you can access at home.

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