Year 6 Bikeability

Here are the dates of the following bikeability sessions:

Group 2 – Monday 18th and Wednesday 20th October

Group 3 – Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd November

If you are in one of these groups, please remember to bring your bike and helmet to school on these days.

Year 6 Homework

As of today, each week Year 6 will have the following weekly homework:

English – spellings and two pages of the CGP book

Maths – Times Table Rockstars

Base 13 home learning

Each day, you will be set tasks to complete on Microsoft Teams. If you complete these quickly, here are a list of other websites you can access.

The National Oak Academy is very useful as there are taught lessons and tasks that you can complete. Please look at any topics on here that you know we are covering in school.

If there is something that you do not understand, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Miss Morgan 🙂

Year 6 homework

In year 6, homework is given out weekly. Homework will be given out on a Friday and will need to be completed and returned by the following Friday.

Each week you will get:

  • Maths and SPAG (English) homework – a CGP book will given to you to complete. You will be asked to complete a selection of pages each week.
  • Times Table Rockstars – to be completed throughout the week. Certificates will be given out on a Friday.
  • You will still have a MyMaths login if you want to do any extra maths practise although no individual tasks will be assigned as you will be completing the CGP maths homework book.
  • Reading books will go home on a Friday for you to read over the weekend – you get 5 house points for every three times that you read at home.

Welcome back Year 6!

Good morning Year 6!

We are very much looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and we can’t wait to have you back in school. We hope that you have had a lovely summer break.

Here are a few things that you will need to know on your return:

  • Lockers will not be used – only bring into school your lunchbox, coat and water bottle.
  • We will be washing our hands regularly throughout the day.
  • Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday – please come to school in your PE kit on these days.
  • Reading books will be sent home every Friday so that you can read over the weekend and then these will need to be brought back into school on Monday where they will stay for the week. We will be putting up another post about what you can read at home during the week days.
  • Homework (maths, SPAG and spellings) will be sent home every Friday and it needs to be returned by the following Friday.
  • Your first homework will be given on Friday 11th September.

See you all tomorrow 🙂

Miss Morgan and Miss Whitehouse

Weekly Challenge

This week, we would like you to create a new cereal design!

As our topic this term is Fairtrade, we would like the cereal to be Fairtrade. Here are some ideas of what you could do:

  • Design the packaging of the cereal – think about a brand name, slogan and interactive box design
  • Design the cereal – think about the Fairtrade ingredients that you would use
  • Make the packaging and cereal

I’m sure you will all have lots of other ideas too!

Here is an example of an interactive cereal box.

Happy designing!

Weekly Challenge

Thank you Kassy and Naabea for completing the weekly challenge last week. Your pieces of artwork look amazing!

Kassy has drawn her room as she has been redecorating it. She has drawn some of the items that are on her walls in her newly decorated room.

Naabea’s artwork shows that she has been doing lots of baking – we would love to be able to try what you’ve made.

Well done both. We have loved seeing your fantastic creations!

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