Teddy Bear’s Picnic

On Wednesday, Reception will be having a Teddy Bear’s Picnic as an end of year treat. The children can bring a teddy bear or a soft toy to school on this day. We will be making a small sandwich for them to eat at the picnic which will take place within our Reception outside area. If there are any changes to your child’s dietary requirements please do inform the office. The children do not need to bring anything else in for this. This will take place in the morning, so they will have their lunch as normal on this day.

Kicking off STEAM week!

After the disappointment of the football result last night, what a Monday we have had! We have been blown away by the effort the children have made with their STEAM week costumes. We talked about where their costume fitted in with STEAM as well. Thank you for all your efforts supporting our special week in school. We are excited to see what other activities the week has in store!

Reception Sports Day!

On Monday, reception took part in their first Sports Day at Apley Wood. Everyone tried their best in all of the activities and we are incredibly proud of their efforts. Well done to all the grown ups who took part in the races at the end! A wonderful afternoon filled with fun!

Wednesday 3rd July

Next week, we will all be practicing ready for our sports day. On Wednesday, the children will need to come to school in their PE kit. Base 2 will not be going to forest school on this morning. Please make sure your child has a sun hat in school as we will be out for the majority of the morning.

Trip to the zoo!

We were so excited for our first school trip this week. All members of staff were incredibly proud of all the children, their behaviour was outstanding and they really represented the school brilliantly! We got up close with lots of animals such as millipedes, a Tenrec, a Treefrog, a Chameleon and an Armadillo! We also walked around the zoo and looked at lots of different animals. There were some very snoozy children on the coach ride home! Well done Base one and two!

Perfect patterns

We have been so impressed with the children’s work on repeating patterns this week. The children worked hard to show off what they knew and independently made repeating patterns using objects around the classroom.

Trip to the Zoo

The children are all very excited for their trip to the Exotic Zoo tomorrow! We have looked at the places where we might go and the animals that we might see. We have also checked the weather and thought about what we will need. Here is our list:

  • School uniform
  • Coat
  • Water bottle
  • Packed lunch (unless ordered from the school)
  • Sun hat
  • Sun cream

The children will not need to bring any money as we will not be visiting the gift shop.


This week we have been looking at making repeating patterns and identifying rules. The children have enjoyed making patterns using objects from our classrooms as well as clapping patterns. We particularly enjoyed taking part in the GoNoodle ‘Banana, banana, meatball’ dance video. We have shared it below so that the children can join in with it at home.


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