Friendship Week

It’s friendship week here at Apley and what better way to start out week than having our very own Safeguarding Squad talking to us all about how we can prevent Bullying!


The team delivered the assembly to the whole school and gave across some very important messages such as how to help someone if they think they are being bullied, who the children can go to if they are worried and need to talk and how ‘Banter’ can turn into Bullying.


Well Done Safeguarding Squad!


Safeguarding Squad Hate Crime

The Safeguarding Squad delivered an assembly today all about hate crime. They highlighted the key points about how it is a crime and some of the repercussions that could come from it. They emphasised the importance of being inclusive towards everyone!


Summer Safety 13/7/23

Summer Safety

The Safeguarding Squad have worked hard these past few weeks preparing a PowerPoint to share with KS1 & 2 all about how we can all keep safe over summer.


Messages ranged from staying safe in the sun and applying sun cream which is SPF 50 (Sun Protection Factor) to how to stay safe in the sea at the beach. They talked through the meanings of the different flags that often appear at the beach too. These have been displayed around school for a few weeks now so the children become familiar with the flags and their meanings.


A big thank you to the Safeguarding Squad for everything they have done this year to keep our school safe and our students informed. Have a lovely summer and remember to stay SAFE!


Planting in Forest school

Exciting parcels arrived from Sainsburys and some of our forest school children were able to get their hands dirty and created some seed bombs using clay and seed kits.


Some children also spread wild seed throughout the wild area that has been disused which will bring colour throughout the forest school. We also had some trees donated for the Jubilee which have now been scattered around the forest school.


The melodic forest

Year 5 Forest school

The Year 5 group that came to forest school this afternoon avoided the rain despite working as a team to build a shelter they did not need in the end. They then heard the story of Hermes and Apollo. After hearing this story the children creatively went off and made some musical instruments using natural resources and wool which has been donated to the forest school.  The children have done a wonderful job are are very proud of their creations.


Forest School updates!

Woodworking shelter!

Forest school had a very exciting development over the weekend when a team of 4 came in and build the woodworking shelter. This shelter will be multipurpose as it will have benches under there for the children to work in all weathers including woodworking, weaving and much more!



A massive thank you to Mr Yardley, Miss Benton, Andy and Phil for dedicating a days work during the weekend, it will greatly benefit the children at Apley Wood Primary.

Year 3 stone-age

The Year 3 children had a wonderful trip back in time to the Neolithic Era this afternoon creating their very own stone-age settlements. The children heard a range of facts all about the northerly village, Skara Brae and went off to create miniature versions of their own.


Despite the rain, their spirits weren’t dampened as they were treated to a warm hot chocolate before adding the final touches to their settlements.


The wildlife in forest school are now very luck to have so many options for places to shelter from the rain! Well done Year 3.



The Year 6 children had an excellent science lesson today where they investigated which bird beak would be best for different types of food.

Both classes split into groups creating their own investigations and looking at all the different steps they would need to ensure it was a fair test.

They then took a surprise visit into the Forest School area to carry out their investigations in an environment where birds live and roam. They had a fantastic time and enjoyed taking their learning into the great outdoors! Well done Base 13 and Base 14!


A-Maze-ing Forest school

The Year 5 forest school group had an lovely afternoon enjoying the sunshine and bird call as they built their Mazes. After listening to an Ancient Greek myth read by Mr Yardley, the children then split off into teams and created some epic mazes.

The creativity flowed this week as children built walls that needed breaking down, a key to escape the final door and even a dual with Zues before defeating the minotaur.

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