Forest School Funding (26/09/24)

Morris Funding for Forest School

Apley Wood Primary Academy would like to thank Morris Property for their generous donation of £250 towards our Forest School program.

Their support is invaluable in helping us create engaging and educational outdoor experiences for our students. The funds will be used to enhance our Forest School activities, providing our children with opportunities to connect with nature, develop practical skills, and foster a love for the environment.

We are truly grateful for their commitment to our community and the positive impact they have on our students’ learning experiences.


Please see the link to the Shropshire Star article where you can find more details about Morris property’s generosity.

Morris Property supports forest school learning with a donation | Shropshire Star

Start and End of day reminder (25.09.24)


**A Reminder to Parents and Carers**

The Safeguarding Squad has observed that during the waiting periods at the start and end of the day, children—whether they are students or siblings—are using the pirate ship, trim trail, gym equipment, and other resources in the Reception playground.

Please remember that there are no staff members supervising these areas during these times. We kindly ask that children DO NOT use any of the equipment or resources and wait on the playground with their parents or carers, or with friends if walking in by themselves, until the doors open at 8:45 for a prompt start to the school day.

Children arriving to school on Bicycles or scooters are also reminded to dismount and walk with their bike or scooter once coming through the gates and entering school ground. While we still wish to encourage our students to keep fit and come to school on their bikes and scooters, It is unsafe to have children riding through the playground during these busy times of the day.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Apley Wood Primary Academy Staff Team.

Forest School (13.09.24)

Forest School

Apley Wood Primary Academy are really excited to be able to continue to offer forest school to the whole of our school.

The weather at the moment is really unpredictable and can be lovely and warm one moment and raining and cold the next.

If your child receives a letter saying they are having a forest school session, please check which date it is for and send them in with a coat. They don’t need to be in any other special clothing, a change of shoes is fine to bring too but other than that please send them in full school uniform.

If you are unsure of what they may need, please see the Forest School page on our website where Mr Yardley and Mrs Jones have put a list of things that could make learning outdoors more comfortable.

All students are encouraged to join in with Forest School sessions.

In a world where we are exposed to so much technology…

We want everyone to connect with nature.


Safeguarding Squad

Safeguarding Squad

Apley Wood Primary Academy is very proud to introduce the new Safeguarding Squad.

The team met up with Mr Yardley on Wednesday to go through a range of things they would be looking at over the year and had their photos taken for the Safeguarding Squad display board. They also had their first team photo together and have been set the challenge of updating our anti bullying posters which will be displayed around school.

Show Racism the Red Card

Show Racism the Red Card


The Safeguarding Squad did an excellent job talking to the whole school in this mornings assembly all about how racism is not only harmful and can affect others but also how it will not be tolerated whether that is in or out of school.


These messages have then since been sent around to classes where Teachers, HLTA’s, TA’s and Lunchtime Supervisors can all be sharing the same messages.


“We are each wonderful and unique, But together we are a masterpiece!”

Well done Safeguarding Squad!

#SocialMediaAware (14/06/24)



The Art Of Brilliance have released an interesting and informative blog all about Screen time.


It outlines some of the wonderful things we can do with screen time but also some of the realities and how it can affect us.


The tagline for this blog is one we could all take a moment to consider – When does the fun stop?


Check out their latest blog on screen time here:

Screen Time: When the fun stops… – Art of Brilliance


Mayan Artwork

Mayan Artwork

Over the past few weeks Year 6 have been busy out in Forest School being inspired by nature.

After studying Central and South America in Geography and continuing to look at the Ancient Mayans in History the Year 6’s have been thinking of how they could create a textile piece inspired by the Mayan period of time. This has included creating dyes to colour their fabric and using charcoal to draw out their patterns.

This has gone hand in hand with the natural environment and what patterns they have been able to find from the natural worlds, as the Mayans would have done for their own textiles.




Forest Fossils

Forest School Fossils


Year 6 were back out in Forest school for a small part of the morning creating some fossils using shells and other natural materials from around the forest school area.

They had a morning looking at evolution, looking at where different animals started from and then created what they predict they may evolve into in the future!


Darwin Day 2

Darwin Geography

Our year 6’s this morning continued their learning about Charles Darwin and the HMS Beagle. They began the morning plotting his route on a world map, and followed this up by writing letters home describing their journey, and finally decorating bottles that their letters could be stored in.

Darwin Day


Forest School Science

Some of our Y6’s made use of the good weather today and got out into Forest School to put Charles Darwin’s theory into practise. After starting the morning off doing research into the local, famous scientist, our Year 6 children went out to see how survival of the fittest and natural selection looked in a rather tasty way…


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