Coronation Badge Making in Year 2

Year 2 really enjoyed having their parents in to create badges to commemorate the Coronation this afternoon! Thank you for coming in and showing your support.

Miss Craig and Miss Gilbert

Coronation Day in Base 4 – 04/05/2023

Base 4 have had a brilliant day celebrating King Charles III’s Coronation. They created their own royal crowns, completed a fact file about our new King and learnt the National Anthem.

Base 4’s Trip to RAF Cosford – 07/03/23

Base 4 had a fantastic time at RAF Cosford. They were able to try on some historic aviation equipment, view all of the amazing aircrafts on display and even build and launch their own rockets! They represented the school really well with their excellent behaviour and everyone enjoyed their day.

World Book Day in Base 4 – 06/03/23

On Monday, Base 4 had lots of fun dressing up as their favourite story characters. They really enjoyed sharing their favourite books with each other and designing new front covers for them.

Base 4 DEAR Time – 01.03.2023

Thank you to all of the parents who came to Base 4’s DEAR time this afternoon. The children really enjoyed their shared reading and it was lovely to see them so excited about their reading. We look forward to inviting parents in again soon.


Miss Craig

Snow! 18/01/2023

On Wednesday, Year 2 enjoyed playing in the snow at break time. Their behaviour was fantastic and everyone had great fun, playing safely and working together to build snowmen. It was lovely to see such amazing teamwork, well done Year 2!

Snow Queen

Today, Base 4 really enjoyed watching the Hobgoblin Theatre Company production of Snow Queen. It was hilarious and a lovely treat for us all.

Base 4 DEAR Time

Yesterday, Base 4 invited their parents into school to read with them. We really enjoyed our DEAR session and look forward to having another one soon.

Year 2 Trip to West Midlands Safari Park – Base 4

Base 4 had a brilliant day at West Midlands Safari Park. They really enjoyed seeing all of the animals and the Christmas decorations. Their behaviour was excellent and they did a fantastic job of representing our school. I am sure they will be very excited to tell you about their adventures tonight.

World Mental Health Day 2022

For World Mental Health Day, Base 4 discussed things that we feel grateful for but often take for granted. We made it our aim to make someone smile today and have enjoyed performing random acts of kindness this half term. We also discussed who we could go to if we felt upset, worried, nervous or angry about something.

REAch2 Academy Trust
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