Welcome Back to Year 2

Welcome back!

We hope you have all had a wonderful break and are now ready and recharged to return to school.

Please find some useful information below which will also be available in your child’s reading record:

Year 2 Homework

Maths Homework

Every week, children should spend a minimum of 15 minutes on Numbots. If they would also like to play on Times Table Rockstars, they can do.

Spelling Homework

Given out on a Friday, to practise every night ready for the spelling test on the following Friday. You can find spelling lists on this website under the “Year 2 Spellings” heading.

Reading Homework

Aim to read at least 3 times a week at home and record in your Reading Diary.

Homework Projects

These are set termly and the children will be given more details about these when they are set.

Physical Education

Children will wear their P.E kits to school on their P.E days so will not need to be in uniform. P.E days in Year 2 are Tuesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor).

We will update the website regularly with important information so please do keep an eye out for updates.

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow,

Miss Craig and Mrs Beardwood

Base 4’s Design and Technology – 11.07.2023

This morning, Base 4 created their own balanced meals for a summer picnic. They learnt all about the quantities of food they should have from the 5 main food groups and also learnt about food hygiene. They were very sensible when using different kitchen utensils and their finished plates looked very tasty! Well done, Base 4!

Base 4’s Bubble Snakes – 30.06.2023

This afternoon, Base 4 had great fun creating bubble snakes on the playground! We discussed how using socks created the snakes instead of individual bubbles.

Base 4 – Fingerprint Detectives – 30.06.2023

As part of STEAM week, Base 4 investigated how to detect fingerprints. They used magnifying glasses to compare the whorls, arches and loops that they could see.

Base 4’s Art – The Water Lily Pond by Claude Monet – 27.06.2023

Base 4 have enjoyed creating their own versions of The Water Lily Pond by Claude Monet. They used the wax resist technique and a graduated wash of watercolours to create the base for their artwork and then added detail by layering up colours. The finished pieces look brilliant! Well done Base 4!

STEAM Week – Careers Day in Base 4 – 26.06.2023

Base 4 have had a brilliant day learning all about different STEAM careers and diversity in science. They looked fantastic in their STEAM career costumes and it was great to see such a range of different jobs being represented.

Thank you for all of your effort!

Miss Craig

Year 2’s Walk to Apley Woods – 23/06/2023

Year 2 really enjoyed their visit to Apley Woods this morning. They learnt all about the history of Apley Castle and also looked for human and physical geographical features. It was lovely to see how excited they were to explore and learn new things.

Thank you very much to the parent volunteers who came to help out, your support is very much appreciated.

Reception and KS1 Author Visit – 19/05/2023

This morning, Year 2 enjoyed listening to The Lost Voices by local author, Sarah Griffiths.

REAch2 Academy Trust
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