Base 4’s Family DEAR Time – 04/06/2024

Base 4 really enjoyed their family DEAR time session this afternoon. A big thank you to everyone who came.

Base 4’s Pedestrian Training – 08/05/2024

Base 4 had a great day learning all about how to stay safe when crossing the road. They did lots of theory in the classroom and then went out and demonstrated what they had learnt by crossing the roads near our school. They did a brilliant job! Well done, Base 4!

Base 4’s Forest School Session – 25/04/2024

Base 4 had a lovely morning at Forest School as part of their Plants topic in Science. They identified different tree species, took bark rubbings and collected different leaves to do leaf rubbings when they got back to class.

Earth Day in Base 4 – 22/04/2024

To celebrate Earth Day, Year 2 read Rocket Says Clean Up! by Nathan Bryon and then became Apley Wood’s “Clean Up Crew”. We went litter picking around our school grounds and this is what we found:

Base 4 did a brilliant job of cleaning up our playground and have agreed that we could all do a bit more to look after our planet. Well done, Base 4!

Year 2’s Hook into a Book – 10/04/24

Year 2 had a wonderful morning at Forest School, hunting for clues to work out which book they would be reading in Love to Read this half term. They found a family of owls, a campfire, a red cape and a telescope. Once they had guessed that the book was The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark, they enjoyed some delicious smores around the campfire. A big thank you to Mr Yardley for another fantastic Forest School session!

Base 4’s Sandwich Making – 21/03/24

Base 4 were super sandwich makers yesterday! They each created a healthy, balanced sandwich as part of their D&T project. They made sure they included at least one food from each of the food groups. Well done, Base 4!

Red Nose Day in Year 2 – 15/03/24

Year 2 had great fun in the hall with Mr Mountford completing their Red Nose Day challenges. What an energetic way to start the day! Thank you for all of the kind donations and for dressing your children in red – they look great!

World Book Day in Base 4 – 11/03/24

Base 4 had a brilliant time sharing their favourite books with Year 4 children and meeting local author, Sarah Griffiths, to hear one of her stories. Their costumes were fantastic and it was clear to see how much they all love to read!

Base 4’s Computing – 12/03/2024

Base 4 enjoyed using the Beebots, iPads and laptops to create their own algorithms. They worked well in their teams to test and debug their own programs. Super problem solving, Base 4!

Base 4’s Rockets – 05/03/2024

Year 2 have been studying Roy Lichtenstein in their art lessons this term. They had a blast creating their very own rocket sculptures, inspired by Lichtenstein’s work. I am sure you will agree that their creations look out of this world!

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