A Fantastic Start to Year 3!

We are very impressed this week with how refreshed and eager to learn the children in Year 3 have been. They have made a fantastic start to the new term and are looking forward to learning lots of exciting new things this year.

We wanted to take this opportunity to share some useful information with you:

Spelling homework will be sent home every Monday. Please write out your spellings every night and hand your book in on Friday morning.

Maths homework will be set on a Friday to be handed in the following Thursday. If your child cannot access MyMaths online for any reason, please let their class teacher know and they will provide a paper copy.

For every 3 times your child reads at home, they will receive 5 house points.

Times Tables Rock Stars certificates are given out in assembly each week for the highest number of coins earnt in a week across each year group.

Base 9 and 10 both have outdoor PE on a Friday afternoon.
Base 9 and 10 have indoor PE on a Monday afternoon. Please remember to bring the correct kit. We recommend that you send their PE kits into school on a Monday to be kept in school all week until Friday as it is always handy for children to have a spare set of clothes in school.

Each term, we will set a homework project which your child should complete over the course of the term. Each child will then present their project to the rest of the class during the last week of term.

Thank you for your support and co-operation. We are looking forward to seeing what this year brings.

Miss Craig, Mrs Richards and Miss Fisher.

Year 3 Spellings for the first half of Autumn Term

Week 2 – Adding suffixes –ment / -ness
1 hopeless
2 joyless
3 sadness
4 business
5 happiness
6 environment
7 experiment
8 document
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word

Week 3 – Adding suffixes –ful / -less /
1 cried
2 stopped
3 dropped
4 playful
5 careful
6 plentiful
7 useless
8 careless
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word

Week 4 – Adding suffixes –ing / -est / -y
1 hiking
2 singing
3 writing
4 shaking
5 happiest
6 shiny
7 nicest
8 smallest
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word

Week 5 Homophones
1 accept
2 except
3 plain
4 plane
5 peace
6 piece
7 meat
8 meet
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word

Week 6 – Homophones
1 weather
2 whether
3 rain
4 reign
5 not
6 knot
7 mist
8 missed
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word

Week 7 – Revision
1 hopeless
2 experiment
3 cried
4 plentiful
5 singing
6 nicest
7 peace
8 meat
9 Mystery word
10 Mystery word

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