Year 3 Weekly Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 15.03.21

Online Learning Timetable Week 10 Spring

Please find the online learning timetable for next week attached. The weekly spellings are also on the timetable for your reference.

Thank you,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 08/03/21

Online Learning Timetable Week 9 Spring

Please find the online learning timetable for next week attached.

Year 3 PE days will continue to be on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please send your child in wearing appropriate kit and trainers.

Thank you for all of your support with home learning during lockdown, you have done a brilliant job!

We look forward to seeing all of the children back in class on Monday.

Kind regards,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 01.03.21

Online Learning Timetable Week 8 Spring vr 2

Please fine the online learning timetable for next week attached.

Both Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle will be teaching in school next week. We will respond to emails and Teams messages as quickly as possible. Please bare with us as we may not be able to respond immediately.

Thank you again for all of your support with home learning,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

Year 3 Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 22.02.21

Online Learning Timetable Week 7 Spring

Please find the online learning timetable for next week above.

Miss Craig will be overseeing all of the online learning next week so please send any questions to her via Teams or email (

We hope you are all having a lovely break,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

Year 3 Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 08.02.21

Online Learning Timetable Week 6 Spring

Please find the online learning timetable for next week attached.

Miss Craig will be overseeing all of the home learning again next week so please send any queries directly to her via Teams or email (

Thank you again for all of the support with home learning – you are doing a fantastic job!

Kind regards,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

Year 3 Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 01.02.21

Online Learning Timetable Week 5 Spring V2

Please find attached next week’s online learning timetable.

Miss Craig will be overseeing all of the online learning again next week so if you have any questions or concerns, please contact her either via Teams or via email (

Thank you again for all of your hard work and support at home,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

TEAMs Do’s and Don’t’s

We are so proud of how hard you are all working at home during these difficult times. We can’t wait to see you all again soon but for now here are some top tips on how to use TEAMs sensibly and safely. 


-Only use Teams Chat to send a message to school staff.

-Check for comments sent to you by your teacher.

-Give yourself time to have regular screen breaks. This includes getting some fresh air.

-Let adults in your household know when you will need access to the computer.

-Behave online as you would in a classroom.

-Always remember to interact respectfully and sensibly.


-Don’t open any messages or invitations from anyone who is not a member of school staff.

-Don’t use Teams Chat to send messages to your friends– it should only be used as an online learning tool and not a social media site.

Year 3 Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 25.01.21

Online Learning Timetable Week 4 Spring – 25.01.21

Please find attached the online learning timetable for next week.

Miss Craig will be overseeing all of the home learning this week so please email any queries to

We are beginning to learn about money in maths so you may like to set up a pretend shop at home as a fun activity over the weekend. This will allow the children to familiarise themselves with coins before using them in their work.

Thank you again for all of your support,

Miss Craig and Mrs Hindle.

Year 3 Online Learning Timetable for the Week Beginning 18.01.21

Online Learning Timetable Week 3 Spring – 18.01.21 vr 2

Please find attached the online learning timetable for next week (18.01.21).

Please submit work via Teams. If you are unable to do this for any reason, please email your work in, making sure to add, and to the recipients on your email.

If you need to contact us using the Teams chat function, please use TAW802Year3Staff to make sure your message reaches all of us.

Thank you again for all of your hard work and support at this very testing time,

Miss Craig, Mrs Hindle and Mr Clarkson.

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