Headteacher’s Message (09.02.2024)

It has been a very short half term, but as always, the staff and children at Apley have achieved so much.  Just this week, I’ve seen detailed and descriptive writing across the whole school, very impressive reading in phonics lessons in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and some fantastic art from Year 3.

Well done to our Year 5 children who demonstrated brilliant behaviour on their recent visit to Charlton School to see the performance of The Wizard of Oz.  I have received some lovely feedback from the staff team.  A huge well done again to our Safeguarding Squad, who delivered the annual whole school assembly for Safer Internet Week.  They did a brilliant job and every year group has taken part in lessons this week about the importance of online safety.

Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher Award this week:

Carter W, Lois A, Emilia E, Emma B, Charlotte C, Evie-Rose M, Jack T, Sabrina S, Kunashe M, Nikolaos D, Amira A, Summer J, Eddie D-S, Harley W, Kenai Q, Ariya R, Emmy C, Jacob B, Qais S, Olivia I-C, Lyla S, Ollie D, Ali S, Isabelle K, Willow C, Carter S, Isabella S, Oscar N, Sophia C, Charlie T.

Thank you to everyone who has already completed the photo and video consent form.  If you are happy for your child to appear in school and Reach2 media then the consent form is still live to enable you give consent on the parent area of the school website. Click the link below.

News – Apley Wood Primary School

Wishing you all a great half term.  I look forward to seeing everyone back on 19th February.

Mrs E Smith


Headteacher’s Message (02/02/2024)

Another great week in school with lots of positives to share in our celebration assembly this week. Thank you to everyone who has responded to the parent consultation regarding academisation, we have received some lovely comments.  The consultation is still open so if you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

Well done to everyone who has received a headteacher award this week. I am very proud of your efforts:

Willow S, Isabella P, Arianna A, Evie D C, Eva J, Albie T, Freya S, Madison J, Lucas T, Jesse S, Brooke P, Imogen B, Taylor T, Charlie S, Arabella G, Ronny B, Evie K, Karson S, Emmie W, Annabell C, Sebastian B-K, Victoria N, Jeevan T, Grace C, Jacob K, Aluna M, George M, Maya S, Alvira S, James L.

Wishing you all all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Headteacher’s Message (26.01.2024)

We have been awarded the Bronze Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware Schools’ award to recognise our school’s attachment and trauma aware practice. This is in recognition of all the training staff have undertaken,  how we have implemented this through our school ethos, behaviour policy and focus on well being through our use of Inclusion mentor and ELSA support, Calm Brain and the outstandingly happy programme which are built into our curriculum offer.

We are delighted to have been recognised and will continue to work with the Attachment Research Community to develop our practice in this area.

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher Award this week.  I am very proud of their efforts:

 Josh Y, Grace D, Amelie F, Zoey H, Ami J-M, Rafael G, Sophie D, Rayan F, Logan L, Carla N, Khaled A, Laila M, Oscar W, Ivan K, Ben C, Freddie W,   Charlie T, Jake H, Ellie B, Ariya R, Malachi H-J, Arlo C, Sophia M, Akintola A, Ronny H, Esmai D, Oliver W, Emily C-M, Layla R.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Academy Conversion Consultation meeting – 29th January

Members of the REAch2 team will be in school on Monday afternoon (29th January) to meet parents who may have questions regarding our future conversion.

The meeting is being held between 2pm and 3pm in the school hall.

You can also submit questions via the school office by calling or through the main email.


The school day

The school day is 8.45am – 3.15pm.

Teachers open doors at 8.45am and close them at 8.50am.  Any children arriving between  8.50am – 9am, must enter through the double doors on the main playground.

Registers close at 9am and we are seeing an increase in children who are arriving after this time which means they are then marked late.

Classroom activities do start straightaway for children so if they miss this registration time then they are missing learning and the important social start to the school day.

Lost Property

We have a large amount of unnamed lost property.  Unfortunately, without names,  we have no chance of returning these items to the correct children.

Please ensure you write your child’s name in their uniform, coats, hats, gloves and scarves.

Headteacher’s Message (19.01.2024)

It was national kindness day yesterday and I saw and heard about a lot of children who have demonstrated kindness across school this week. On Wednesday, we hosted staff and Headteachers from six REAch2 schools, for a day of reading training.  As part of this day they visited reading lessons in every year group and they were all extremely impressed with the lessons they observed and the super behaviour and manners our children demonstrated around school. It was a pleasure to share our lovely school with a wider audience.

The parent consultation is live, regarding our academy conversion.  If you have any questions, please let us know.  One question I have been asked is whether or not our uniform will change.  Our uniform will stay the same, with only a small amendment to the logo so that it will read Apley Wood Primary Academy.  This change will not take place immediately and will be introduced over time so there will be no requirement for families to buy new uniform as a result of the conversion.

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher Award this week:

Eva C, Lucas T, Ruben D, Isabelle K, Sophie O, Zain R, Jack H-L, Mason S, Dylan L, Arthur C, Jake H, Hope T, Kyle B, Lily L, Coby T, Avani M, Freddie P, Amelia S, Joseph M, Annabell G, Bobby B, Wayne O, Elbie S, Jessica H, Robin L, Archie W, Imogen M, Amelia F, Jenson W, Oliver L.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs E Smith


REAch2 Academy Trust
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