Headteacher’s Message

We have finally completed the work on our playground, and now have our new boiler ready for the winter and the new canopy to offer some shade for when the sun comes out again. Please do not allow your children to climb on the posts for the new canopy when they are waiting to come into school in the morning, we really do appreciate your support with this.

Our annual parent survey has opened today.  Please complete the link or scan the QR code on the letter we have sent out.  We do value your feedback.

Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher’s award today:

Base 6, Base 5, Toby C, Imogen M, Daniel I-V, Taylor T, Imogen C, Theo C, Evie K, Ali S, Eva J, Jonah M, John L, Freya S, Base 1, Brooke B, Base 2, Christopher D, Gabby U, Jason Z, Ava A, Avani M, Rohan T.

Have a lovely weekend.


Headteacher’s message

I hope you had a lovely half term break, it was nice to finally see some sunshine over the weekend.  I sent out the sun safety/summer guidelines this week, so please do talk to your children about how to apply their own sun cream if you wish to send some in to school for them to put on at lunchtime.  Please ensure that all summer belongings – sun cream, hats, sunglasses have names on – as we do get a lot of lost property this time of year.

This week is National Volunteers’ Week – a time to celebrate the contribution of the individuals and organisations in the UK who volunteer to help others.

We couldn’t miss the opportunity to join the celebration and say thank you to you all of our parent/family volunteers.  We would not be able to take the children out on so many visits without your help and support, and our children love sharing their reading skills with you.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, from September, to help with FAWS events or on school visits then please contact the office to find out about the safer recruitment checks we need to complete.  It would be great if we could increase the number of parent volunteers to help with school visits next academic year.

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher award this week:

Isabella P, Primrose H, Fynn H, Kunashe M, Isabelle K, Layon L, Sholah H-J, Oliver W, Rose O, Giulia M, Robin L, Amelia R, Rory D, Tobias L, Madi S, Muniya D, Joseph M, Sophie C, Aria-Rose L, Jacob M, Harry C, Peyton E, Shay O, Benjamin F, Menassah B, Charlotte C, Luciana P, Ellie B, Mimi A, Sofia A. 

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Free Family Fun day – 15th June

Family and Community Day

University of Wolverhampton   Telford Campus
Telford Campus, Priorslee, Telford, TF29NN

Join us for an afternoon of fun!
Exotic Zoo show, racing cars, workshops
and games, face painting, Chinese dragon
dancing, free food, sports and more!

Click the link for the QR code to book.


Free Parent Online safety workshop delivered by West Mercia Police

Join a free one hour online parent awareness session to give yourself a head start in an ever changing digital world. Please see the link below for how to book for the workshop.

Protect our children A5 flyer PARENT-GUARDIAN


Headteacher’s Message

We have said goodbye to Mr Spragg this week, and I would like to take the opportunity to thank him for his hard work and commitment to school and the children in Base 14 over the last two terms.  Mrs Richards, will return from maternity leave to teach Base 14 alongside Mrs Williams after half term.

Well done to the girl’s cricket team this week who won the final.  A fantastic effort and a well deserved win.

We are always willing and happy to address any queries or concerns that you may have.  At the start of the school day, the teachers/members of SLT and Mrs Robinson are available for passing messages when the children arrive at school, however, as they need to be supervising children once they are in class, if you need a longer time to discuss something, please do so at the end of the school day or contact the office to book an appointment. Wednesday is our staff meeting day so teachers will not be able to book meetings for this day of the week.

Messages, concerns and queries can also be shared via the school admin email or phone call and these will be passed on to the appropriate member of staff.  Please see details from our complaints policy below about who to address any concerns to:

Complaint regarding another child. Please speak to the class teacher in the first instance.  This can also be dealt with by the Rec/KS1 phase leader – Mrs Garraway or KS2 phase leader – Miss Whitehouse.
Complaint regarding a school policy or procedure. Please contact the Assistant/Deputy Headteacher who may liaise with the Headteacher.
Complaint regarding a member of staff. Please speak to the Headteacher who may delegate this to another member of SLT.

The sooner we are aware of any concerns you may have, then the quicker these can be addressed for you and the children.

Congratulations to everyone who received a Headteacher Award this week:

Lilly T, Haris R, Kyle B, Alfie H, Phoebe F, Louie P, Eva C, Joules L, Carter W, Lewis H, Summer J, Emilia P, Evie Di C, Micah A, Benjamin F, Alyssa H, Alayah M, Ethan S, Base 12, Max D, Sophia S, Keeley H-M Katie O, Evie-Rose M, Toby C, Peyton E, Layla R, Sophia C, Alvira S.

Wishing you all a lovely half term break.  We have a training day on 3rd June, so children return to school on Tuesday 4th June.

Mrs E Smith

Headteacher’s Message

Well done to Year 6 this week. The whole staff team have been very impressed with the maturity, resilience and positivity that they have demonstrated this week during their SATS tests.

Thank you to West Mercia police who visited Year 5 this week.  Their visit was part of our PSHE/Character Education curriculum and they talked to the children about the potential impact of racism, name calling and aggression. The children listened very well and will reflect on the messages from the Police team in future lessons.

I’ve been looking at our lunchtimes this week to see how they are running. What a pleasure this has been! I’ve spoken to many children engaged in a wide range of activities including different sports, dancing, using our range of large equipment – the pirate ship, gym equipment, trim trail, colouring, drawing, bubble fun in Reception/KS1. Some of our year 3 children were very creative and have been using the natural resources in our grounds to make small models of Stone Age houses. They were absolutely brilliant – well done Khaled and Habibah. Thank you to the lunchtime supervisors and teaching assistants who have adapted activities on offer based on what the children like and have asked for.

Congratulations to everyone who has received a Headteacher Award this week, I am very proud of you:

Tobiah F, Emmy C, Tianne G, Bronwen M, Macey-Mai M, Jack A, Spencer R, Sophie B, Amelia A, Habibah K, Evie R, Luke W, Erin T, Georgia W, Kenzy S, Kayden H, Harry D, Isabella N, Kacper C, Aibel E, Musaikah T, Leo B, Layla H, Victoria R, Base 7, Base 8 and Base 15.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Use of School Car Park (10.05.2024)

The school car park is for staff, visitors and blue badge holders only.  Parents and Carers should not be parking on site for the normal school day drop off and collection without the blue badge.  If you are parking in a disabled bay, then please ensure your blue badge is on show when you leave the car.

When dropping off for breakfast club and collecting from after school clubs, please ensure you use the one way system on the car park and avoid parking in the disabled bays or the spaces next to the entrance to the car park.  The entrance to the car park is quite narrow and there have been some near misses lately.  We want to ensure that our staff and children can get in and out of school safely.

Thank you for your continued support.

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