Message from the headteacher 13.01.2023

I am extremely proud of year 6 this week. Those at Arthog have demonstrated incredible team work, maturity and resilience. Those in school have also worked as a team, demonstrating independence and initiative. They are all fantastic role models.

We’ve had a lot happening in school this week, Our year 4 and 5 children have enjoyed the start of their swimming lessons, I’ve seen some amazing learning, including history in Year 5, and Big write in Year 1 and Year 3. Bonnie has been on site again visiting classes and doing trick training. The way the children have taken on board how to treat her and look after her is amazing. Bonnie is such a positive part of our well being support across the whole school and we love having her on site.

Well done to everyone who received a headteacher award this week:

Neve S, Zayn K, Louie P, Georgia W, Amelia R, Charlie S, Roman F

Sophie O, Penelope H, Isla Di C, Peter C, Jaiden M, Ollie D,

Victoria N, Lilly H, Ben C, Esme C-E, George McI, Ruby H,

Alex M, Shujat M, Elna T, Kade S, Sydney G, Lillie-Rae M

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Reminder about SMART Watches and toys from home

Please remember that the children are not allowed to wear SMART watches in school.  A fitbit or similar gadget that counts steps only is fine, but any smart watches/device that is able to send/receive calls or messages or take photographs is treated the same as mobile phones and are not allowed to be used on site.

Please also remember that children are not allowed to bring in toys or footballs from home. We have had a rise in this happening since Christmas and it is beginning to cause issues/distract children and staff are having to waste time dealing with these issues which are completely avoidable.  If a child requires a transition object for a particular SEND or Emotional, Health and Wealth Being need then this needs to be arranged with the class teacher or senco so that it can be managed successfully.

Thank you for your continued support.

Shropshire Beam: Virtual workshops for parents and professionals – starting 18th January

Shropshire Beam are pleased to provide the next timetable of virtual workshops for parents and professionals, starting in January 2023, which includes a workshop on understanding and responding to self-harm as this has been requested by popular demand.

The details needed are provided in the chart below, please click on link at the appropriate time of chosen workshops. All workshops will be done via MS Teams, though please note that we are unable to record sessions for those unable to attend. The workshops are designed to be informative and engaging, so please be willing to participate during them. All sessions have an average duration of 1 hour.

There are four workshops, which will be rolled out to the end of February 2023, at various different times to enable more people to attend:

  • Supporting Children and Young People with Anxiety
    The aims and objectives of this session are to look at psycho-education within the topic followed by practical suggestions of methods and techniques to help support the youth experience and their issues with anxiety.
  • Wellbeing Planning
    This is a workshop which explains and provides a tool for children and young people to support their general emotional health and wellbeing. It recognises triggers and promotes self-awareness, which can also be used as a relapse tool to support resilience.
  • Sleep Support
    This session aims to look at psycho-education within the topic followed by practical suggestions and advice which includes methods and techniques to help support the children and young people having difficulties with getting to sleep and staying asleep.
  • Understanding & responding to SelfHarm
    The aims and objectives of this session are to look at psycho-education within the topic followed by practical suggestions of methods and techniques to help support the youth experience issues with self-harm.

The timetable is as follows:

Date & Time Workshop Name Booking Link
Wednesday 18 January 2023
9am start
Sleep support Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 394 159 833 28
Passcode: M5xLty

Monday 23 January 2023
5pm start
Supporting children and young people with anxiety Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 388 094 657 346
Passcode: HfMH5w

Wednesday 1 February 2023
1pm start
Understanding and responding to self-harm Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 393 316 915 63
Passcode: uyw8NH

Wednesday 8 February 2023
2pm start
Wellbeing planning Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 319 622 846 575
Passcode: TZacjt

Wednesday 15 February 2023
11am start
Sleep support Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 386 217 310 594
Passcode: 7Ezoto

Wednesday 22 February 2023
9am start
Supporting children and young people with anxiety Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 313 589 969 716
Passcode: REG5D7

Welcome back

Happy New Year!  I hope you all had an enjoyable break. It was lovely to see everyone on Wednesday and we have had a super start to the new term.  Congratulations to the children who designed our new House Point Team characters and logo’s, we launched them in assembly on Wednesday and everyone was very excited.

Important information about your child’s learning is now available on the school website.  You can find the curriculum overviews which explain the topics and areas of learning for the term on both the learning pages and the classroom pages. If you would like a paper copy, please let the class teacher know. You should have received a letter with all the important dates that have already been planned in for this term, and they are also available on the website – we have a full calendar of enrichment activities planned this term with visits out and visitors coming in to school.

Please remember that the school day starts at 8.45am. As you know, being in school on time is extremely important for all children in order that they receive the best possible start to their learning.  Arrival at 8.45am enables staff to support children in a range of activities, for example, time to have ‘check ins’ with teacher or TA for Emotional Health and Well Being support, individual reading with an adult, opportunity to practise spellings, maths facts or pre -learning for lessons and sharing class news together. All of these activities maximise the opportunity for a settled start to ensure children are ready for their first lesson straight after the register is taken.

We welcome a new member of staff this term. Miss Egan is a very experienced teaching assistant who has joined the Year 5 team and we are delighted to have her at Apley.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Happy New Year

Happy New Year.  We look forward to seeing all of the children back at school on Wednesday 4th January.

School starts at 8.45am. The gates will be open at 8.35am.

Beam Christmas opening hours – Emotional Health and Well being support

Christmas opening times are as follows:

Tuesday 20 December 2022
9 Market Square, Wellington, Telford, TF1 1BP

Thursday 22 December 2022
9 Market Square, Wellington, Telford, TF1 1BP

Friday 23 December 2022 to Monday 2 January 2023
Offices closed
Drop in and email responses closes

Tuesday 3 January 2023
9 Market Square, Wellington, Telford, TF1 1BP

Thursday 5 January 2023
9 Market Square, Wellington, Telford, TF1 1BP

Saturday 7 January 2023
9 Market Square, Wellington, Telford, TF1 1BP

Last sessions are held approx. 45 mins before closing time.

For updates and more information, follow Beam on Instagram @shropshirebeam or visit the website.

Headteacher’s Message 16.12.2022

We’ve reached the end of a busy, enjoyable term at Apley. Our school improvement advisor and the Local Authority Quality Assurance advisor have been into school over the last few weeks, talking to children in lessons and looking at books and both have commented on the calm, purposeful environment and the good quality of education and provision that we have at Apley.  I’d like to say a huge thank you to our staff team who have worked so hard, as always, to deliver the best they can for our children.

Just a few of the positives from this term, the new Forest School Area has been a huge success which our Reception, Year 2, Year 5 and Forest School club have enjoyed this term, our Sporting curriculum and sports activity offer has returned to pre-pandemic levels with children being able to take part in either whole school sporting events such as the recent World Cup and Santa Dash activities or being able to represent school in competitions, Bonnie, the Dog mentor, has joined our team and is already having a positive impact on wellbeing and our parent reading sessions and family lunches have been really well attended and enjoyed by everyone.

Just this week, we have a lot to celebrate: Congratulations to Farrah and Ruby from Year 6 who created their own Christmas safety assembly and delivered it in the whole school assembly on Monday.  Again, a brilliant example of how independent, resourceful and respectful our children are.  The KS1 Christmas show,  Baarmy Bethlehem, was a resounding success and it was an absolute delight to be able to deliver this to a full audience again.  Thanks to the staff and children for their hard work.

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher Award this week, what a lovely way to end the term:

Harper W, Kian P, Aaron W, Elbie S, Rory P, Esmae T, Oliver L, Macey-Mai M

Ruby-Mae B, Henry T, Hollie-Jessica R, Alfie B, Dexter P, Sydney G

Finally, thank you to our parents and carers for your continued support this term. Wishing you all a lovely Christmas break and a Happy New Year.

Mrs E. Smith

Headteacher’s Update

Congratulations to our school choir who have performed at two community events this week.  They braved the cold last Sunday at Southwater, Telford to delight shoppers with their Christmas songs and on Monday evening, performed at the carol concert at Hadley Methodist Church. What a super start to our Christmas festivities this week, they were brilliant.  Thank you to all the parents who supported them at these events and to Mrs Hindle and Mr Yardley for their hard work and enthusiasm leading the choir.

PCSO Tyrer delivered an assembly to KS2 children this week about the importance of having bike lights/reflectors when riding in the dark.  We do have a small number of Hi-Vis Accessories available to give out to children who have a school  bike permit and come to school on their bike/scooter. These are available from the office.

As we approach the end of end of term, we do have to say goodbye to some staff who are leaving us next Friday, to take up new roles.  I would like to thank Mrs Bennett, Mr Taylor and Mrs Panasiuk for their hard work and contribution to the Apley team and wish them all the best of luck in their new roles.

Well done to everyone who received a Headteacher Award this week, I have seen some fantastic efforts in learning, children demonstrating outstanding behaviour and individuals spreading the ripple of kindness further around school:

Oliver G, Lexie M, Roman F, Amrita T, Penelope H, Wayne O, Rhema-Joelle S,

Katie O, Alfie B, Sophie C, Jacob Z, Lilly-Mae E, Karson S, Rashida W, Kaden J,

Layla S, Imogen W, Thomas W, Elna T, Isaac D-S, Menassah B, William K

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Christmas Carol Concert

Well done to our Choir who performed brilliantly at the Christmas Carol concert at Hadley Methodist church on Monday evening this week.

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