Telford Tigers – Kids go free at half term

Telford Tigers half term madness – Kids go free on Wednesday 22 February 2023

Kids go free for the Wednesday 22 February 2023 Telford Tigers match night.

Match Night tickets can be purchased in advance either online or at Telford Ice Rink box office. Match Night tickets are also available to purchase at the Ice Rink box office on a match night.


Message from the Headteacher 17.02.2023

We’ve had a very busy half term, with a lot of visitors in and visits out of school to enhance our curriculum offer.  A huge well done to everyone who has represented school in sporting events this half term and thank you to Mr Mountford for organising all of these. On Monday this week, the school council delivered an assembly about respecting each other, ourselves and property and the sign language club demonstrated the skills they have learned with Mrs Lamerton this half term.  They were all brilliant.

A reminder for when we return after half term, that we are a nut free school.  We do have some children who have severe allergies and even contact with someone who has been touching or eating nuts can cause a reaction.  Please try to ensure that you do not send in products with nuts in for snack or lunchtime.  Thank you for your continued support with this.

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher Award this week:

Kayla-Mae S, Daniel S, Archie W, Amber N, Leo E, Zoya A, Koby M,

Sophia S, Harry S, Arnold A, Amelia E, Gabrielle U, Archer B, Mehreen W, Madison J,

Jonah M, Carter S, Lily T, Isabelle K, Remi C, Edward M, Abigail M, Oliver G,

Isabelle N, Habibah K, Kyle B, Ruby H, Lamisah R

Wishing you all a lovely half term.  I look forward to seeing everyone on 27th February.

Mrs E Smith


Headteacher’s Message 10.02.2023

We’ve had a fantastic healthy body, healthy mind week. On Monday, the lunchtime team had training in developing happy lunchtimes, looking at different activities and behaviour strategies. It was a fantastic day and after half term we will be making some changes to lunchtime activities. The safeguarding squad has delivered two assemblies about safer internet use. Thank you to everyone who has completed their parent questionnaire. They will use the results to plan future work on online safety.

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher’s award.  We had a lot to celebrate this week!

Ismay S, Harrison M, Monty M, Harleen P, Theo B, Millie D, 

Giulia M, Theo C, Jake N, Sophie B, Hukam M, Roman F,

Karson S, Joseph P, Tianne G, Amelie F, Olivia C, Lilah R,

Avani M, Ethan H, Coby-Jack T, Charlie T, Sumeet P,

Jasmeet S, Sydney G, Talisha E, Eva J, Lois A

Have a great weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Free Behaviour course

Leegomery Community Centre is offering a free course, through Learn Telford: Introduction to child behaviour.

More information can be found at:

Healthy Body,Healthy Mind week – parent support videos

As it is children’s mental health week, Impact Education have provided us with some videos to support parents wanting to know how to support their child’s mental health and wellbeing. They cover topics including anxiety, managing distractions, autistic fatigue and sleep.


Message from the Headteacher 03.02.2023

Last Friday, we took a group of 50 KS2 children to the Young Voices concert in Birmingham and it was an absolute pleasure to share the experience with them.  Their behaviour was exemplary, they threw themselves into the experience and they were all a real credit to the school. A huge thanks to the staff who gave up their Friday night to take them and to all the parents and carers who supported us.

Next week, we have our Healthy Body, Healthy Mind week which includes Children’s Mental Health Week and Safer Internet day and all classes will be taking part in a range of activities to support these themes. The theme for safer internet day this year, is making space for conversations about life online.  This is a really important focus this year, as we do experience issues in school that have started with online gaming or social media chat groups where children are confusing the virtual world with reality or behaving in a manner online that they would not do face to face.  The link below has some very useful parent resources to support conversations with your children about what they are doing when online.

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher Award this week, I am very proud of them all:

Lucas T, Zoha A, Reuben P, Erin T, Zara I, Edie G, Esmai D, Madison J,

Zyra-Rose D, Rabia A, Lyla S, Lucas P, Sophie C, Jake T, Charlotte C, Hope T,

Amelia A, Adrian K, Alex M, Blanka P, Cara M-W, Fouad A, Logan B, Sophie C

Have a great weekend.

Mrs E Smith

SEND Drop In for Families

Parents, Carers & Families

A new SEND Drop In has been arranged, it provides and opportunity for parents, carers and young people to talk to a SEND Officer.

Time: Every Monday 1pm – 4pm

Venue: Youth Hub (Floor 2), Southwater One, Southwater Square, Southwater Way, Telford, TF4 4JG

Multicultural assembly 30.1.2023

Thank you so much to Simerpreet from the Oakengates Gurdwara who taught our children a range of information about Sikhism. It was fascinating for children of different or no faiths as well as familiar and comforting to children who share the same faith as Simerpreet. We enjoy opening our children’s eyes to the wider world and exploring how people live their lives.  Thank you also to Mrs Richards for organising this opportunity. 

Message from the Headteacher 27.01.2023

The Local Authority have some great offers for anyone who has signed up to the 10 by 10 project.

Parents taking part in 10 by 10 can now visit the National Trust’s Attingham Park for a reduced price until Friday, 31 March 2023. The reduced tickets cost £5 per adult and £2.50 per child. They usually cost £15 per adult and £7.50 per child. When you arrive at Attingham Park parents will need to show their child’s 10 by 10 account page on their phone to get the reduced entry. 

If you haven’t signed up to the 10 by 10 activities off yet, have a look at the website for more details.  10 by 10 Telford

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher’s Award this week:

Amelia B, Riley W, Jessica W, Jake M, Qusai K, John L, Georgia M, Caleb B,

Ronny B, Scarlett C, Connor L, Laila M, Betsy S, Layton L, Hudson S,

Arnold A, Tianne G, Evie K, Amelia S, Hayden D, Mary-Isabella W, 

Kenan A, Jake D, Alfie I, Lily H, Amber N, Tali-Sian D

Have a great weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Message from the Headteacher

We have had another busy week and managed to have get out and have some snow fun earlier in the week.  As always, when it snows, we do everything we can to remain open. In the unlikely event that school has to close, we will text parents (priority 1 contact) and post a message on our website and twitter.  Please let us know if your mobile number for the priority 1 contact has changed.

Again I have received very positive comments from the staff who have taken children swimming and to Arthog outreach this week.  The behaviour of the children has been fantastic.  Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher Award this week:

Jacob K, Amber N, Tobiah F, Aria-Rose L, James L, Gracie T-E,

Reuben M, Alesha R, Blake R, Pippa S, Emily B, Araya K,

Mehreen W, Spencer R, Amelia P, Haris R, Kayden H,

Lucas L, Simon F, Georgia W, Ivan K, Jack D, Shayaan A

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

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