Headteacher’s message 24.03.2023

It has felt a little bit like Spring this week and the corridors are alive with the sound of music! The singing in Y3,4 and 5 is beautiful. I can’t wait to see their show next week.  Year 3 have shared their science learning with me. They confidently explained how they had changed variables in their plants investigation. I am very proud of the the safeguarding squad.  They delivered a brilliant assembly about online safety using the story chicken clicking. After the assembly they also spoke to a visitor from the Local Authority about how we keep safe in school, learn about being safe and their role in school. Mrs Handslip was very impressed with their knowledge.  We also have a lot of useful links on our website which parents and carers may find useful to support online safety at home.

We have had a lot of visits in school from our Governors over the last few weeks.  They have been talking to some subject leaders and children about different aspects of our curriculum.  They have been very impressed with how well the children have talked to them about learning and have loved their enthusiasm.  The children told them how much they are enjoying their music, maths, geography and art lessons this term.

Well done to everyone who received a Headteacher Award this week:

Jesse S, Erin T, Simon F, Aidah S, Aaron W, Mehreen W, Gracie T-E, Olivia I-C,

Georgia P, Isabelle R, Alfie H, Harper M, Imogen M, Alisha P, Harper L,

Regan M, Dayton C, Charlie H, Amal Y, Alex M

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Mrs E Smith.



Easter Holiday Activities for £1

The Local Authority have a range of activities for the Easter holidays. The activities are great value for money with Kids4£1 activities like tobogganing, swimming and bike hire available throughout the week.

Booking is available 7 days in advance. Click the link below to see the brochure.


Headteacher’s Message 17.03.2023

We will be taking part in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel during 20–31 March 2023.  This is the UK’s largest walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling challenge. It inspires pupils to make active journeys to school, improve air quality in their neighbourhood and discover how these changes benefit their world.
The 2023 challenge
It’s more important now than ever to travel actively.  Active travel is a great way to build physical activity into  children’s daily routine. It helps them arrive to school
more relaxed and alert, and is great for their mental wellbeing too.   On each day of the challenge schools compete to see who can record the greatest number of pupils walking, using a wheelchair, scooting or cycling to school.
A school’s best five days will determine their final position and schools at the top of their leaderboards will receive an exclusive Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel

We have plenty of space for bikes and scooters in our bike racks.  Let’s see how many active school journeys we can make!

Thank you to everyone who has attended parents evenings this week, if you haven’t had an appointment yet and would like one, please contact the office to arrange a meeting with the class teacher.

Well done to everyone who has received a Headteacher’s award this week:

Luciana B, Kenan Q, Esmai D, Albie-George T, Qusai K, Zain R, Lucas T, Harper W,

Olin T, Anisha K, Jackson H, Edward B, Annabel C, Freddie P, Maevie T, Layton C,

Jayden M, Jessica W, Sophia C, Ben C, Regan M, Ethan H, Kaitlyn D,

Edward L, Final C, Kayleigh W



Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

Place2Be Parenting advice from child mental health experts

Place2be have published practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and behaviour on their website.  the advice covers a wide range of needs including, anxiety, meltdowns and preparing children for secondary school.

Click the link below for more information.


Assembly visitor

On Monday this week, Suleman Bhamji, from the Telford Central Mosque in Wellington, visited us in assembly.  He talked about the 5 pillars of Islam explaining them briefly and then answered questions posed by the children. They asked some really thoughtful questions and it was a very informative assembly.

Headteacher’s message

What a fantastic achievement for our Young Voices choir – they are riding high in the charts with the charity single they performed on with Heather Small.  The single is to raise funds for the charity Place2Be, supporting Children’s mental health and I’m so proud of our children for participating.

We have had lots of positives in school this week, World Book day on Monday was fantastic, the children were really engaged with their reading and book related activities.  Thank you to Mrs Williams for organising the day and setting us a challenging book quiz in assembly.  Well done to Year 5, Year 2 and Year 1 who have demonstrated super behaviour on visits out or with visitors in school this week,  i’ve received many lovely comments and feedback about them.  The coach drivers who took Year 5 to London were very complimentary, about how the children conducted themselves whilst away, when they returned last Friday.

Telford and Wrekin Local Authority have their Ofsted inspection for SEND over the next few weeks.  Please take time to complete the questionnaire that was sent out this week.  The questionnaire is for parents and children and can also be found at the link below.


Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs E Smith

PODS over the Easter holidays

Following on from the success of the pilot holiday scheme at Christmas, Parents Opening Doors (PODS) are delighted to be running another SEN holiday scheme over the Easter period.

As before all children/young people aged 0-25 with an additional need and/or a disability are welcome, including their siblings. All children/young adults will be provided with lunch and refreshments to either eat during the sessions or takeaway. There will be plenty of staff on hand to support, but please note parents/carers must remain onsite at all times. Each family will only initially be allocated one date, to allow as many families as possible to access the scheme.

The sessions are as follows:

Monday 3 April 2023, 10.30am-1.30pm
Wrekin Forest Schools
Families need to make their own way there, children’s lunch is provided.
£4 per child.

Wednesday 5 April 2023, 10am-3pm
Carding Mill Valley
PODS will be providing transport, children’s lunch is provided
£4 per person.

Thursday 6 April 2023, 10-12
Easter Egg hunt, and crafts, children’s takeaway lunch is provided.
£3 per child.

Wednesday 12 April 2023, 10am-1pm
Science and activity session, children’s lunch is provided.
£3 per child.

Thursday 13 April 2023, 12noon-4pm
Project Farm
PODS will be providing transport, children’s lunch is provided
£4 per person.

Please request your session by following the PODS Happy Healthy and Active Holidays Easter Scheme 2023 booking link.

Booking closes midday Monday 13 March 2023, and you will be notified of your allocation by Monday 20 March 2023. Payments for the sessions will be due no later than Monday 27 March 2023, and failure to pay by this deadline will result in the session being reallocated. If you have any payment difficulties please contact us in the strictest of confidence. For any queries or questions please email elaine@podstelford.org.

Headteacher’s message

I hope you all had a good half term break.  We’ve got the growing bug in school this half term and have many projects starting that will continue in the summer term.  Year 1 and Year 2 have already planted some bulbs which are growing beautifully, Forest school club will be composting and developing a leaf litter system and the school council will be planting a wildflower garden over the next few weeks. The children are really excited to be contributing to and developing the school environment.

Year 5 had a fantastic first day in London and I am looking forward to hearing about their second day when they return.  Thank you to all the staff who have given up their time to take them.

Thank you to everyone who responded to the Safeguarding Squad online safety questionnaire.  They will be reviewing the results over the next few weeks and using your feedback to plan their summer activities.

Congratulations to our Headteacher Award winners this week:

Alex C-C, Alyssa H, Harry S, Alayah M, Michelle A, Amelia S, Emmie W,

Henry M, James W, Elbie S, Aiden E, Roman F, Myla W, Joseph W, Imogen D,

Ellie B, Amelia H, Louie P, Connor L, Daniel I-V, Amrita T, Harry C, Harvey T,

Ollie F, Katilyn D, Honor B

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Mrs E Smith

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