Base 6 Art WB 19.06.23

This term in Art Year 1 have been looking at the work of Dutch Artist Piet Mondrian. He is known for being one of the pioneers of 20th-century abstract art. He focuses on using straight lines and simple geometric shapes. 
On Tuesday we went outside to sketch the school building, focusing on the straight lines and shapes we could see.

Year 1 Sports Day WB 19.06.23

Wow! What an amazing morning! We are so very proud of all of our Year 1 children for taking part in our fantastic sports day today.

Thank you to all of the grown ups who came to support and cheer on the children, and a special mention to those who took part in the grown up races, the children absolutely loved cheering you all on!


Baby Photos – RSE Lesson

Good Morning,

As a part of the Year 1 RSE curriculum, we will be looking at how we have changed since we were a baby.

Please can you send your child in to school with a photo of them as a baby by the end of next week (Friday 16th June), ready for our first RSE lesson the following week.

Many thanks,

Mrs Jenkins, Mrs Gould and Mrs Edwards.

RWI Phonics Video Links

Following on from the letter sent home regarding reading over half term, here are the links to the RWI videos to watch with your children. 

1. Set 3 reading films to practise reading specific sounds and words

2. Pinny Time films to practise reading sounds speedily

3. ‘Special Friends, Fred Talk’ films for practice reading a range of new words.


· Set aside 10 minutes to watch films with your child each day.

· Find a quiet space for your child to watch the film on a laptop or tablet.

· Praise your child as they join in with the lesson

WB 02.05.23 – Year 1 Nature Detectives

Year 1 were Nature Detectives this week, we went on a walk around the school grounds to look at all of the different flowering plants. As we walked around the school grounds we took photos on the iPad to look at when we returned to class. We then grouped the flowers according to the colour of their petals, and created a tally chart to show our findings.


Exotic Zoo (Base 6) 08.03.23

Exotic Zoo

What an amazing morning the Year 1’s have had! They really enjoyed meeting Millie the Millipede, Shelly the Tortoise, Toothless the Bearded Dragon, Charlie the Treefrog and Tia the Skunk from the Exotic Zoo. The children were extremely engaged throughout and learnt lots of facts from Jack. They will be telling you all sorts of facts about Herbivores, Omnivores and Carnivores when they get home this afternoon.



Parents Consultations Reminder

Just a quick reminder that we need the parents consultation sheets back by tomorrow (Thursday 2nd March), so we can allocate your appointments. You will then receive a letter confirming  your time on Wednesday 8th March.

Many thanks,

Mrs Jenkins, Mrs Gould and Mrs Edwards

REAch2 Academy Trust
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