DT Project – Christmas Decoartions


Good afternoon,

After half term Year 1 will be starting their Autumn term DT project, which is focusing on using recyclable materials to create a sustainable Christmas decoration.

We would be very grateful if you could start sending in any of the following items you may have at home:

  • toilet rolls
  • buttons
  • cardboard

Spellings WB 09.10.23

Please find attached the spellings for the WB 25.09.23.

The spellings will also be stuck in your child’s reading diary to practice throughout the week, before the spelling test on Friday.

Many thanks,

The Year 1 Team

Spellings Website WB 09.02.23

Year 1 Travel Survey – WB 02.10.23

For our Geography lesson this week we completed a travel survey of the traffic passing our school. We have been learning about our local environment and today we were focusing on the importance of taking survey’s. We saw lots of cars passing, some vans, 1 lorry and 1 bus. We were also very excited when we saw a Police Car drive past.

Year 1 Diversity Week WB 02.10.23

This week in school we have been celebrating ‘Diversity Week’. We have been taking part in lots of different activities such as; ‘Doodle of the Day’, where we listen to a selection of music from different cultures and spend a couple of minutes doodling to the music, we have been thinking about what kindness means to us, and also celebrating the diversity within our own class, thinking about what makes us special and unique.

Year 1 Autumn Walk WB 2.10.23

This morning Year 1 went on an Autumn Walk around the school grounds. We were looking for signs of Autumn and thinking about the weather, and how it has changed since Summer.

Geography Homework

Next week in our Geography lesson we will be thinking about where we live, as a part of our ‘Local Area’ topic.

We would like the children to practice saying their address at home with you over the next week, so in our lesson next Tuesday the children will be able to write down their house number and street they live on (it’s ok if they only remember the number though).

Thank you!

Year 1 Faces WB 04.09.23

Year 1 enjoyed making their own faces this morning for our display in the shared area. You will be able to see our lovely display during our parents consultations in October.

We will be using our faces tomorrow to do some writing about our facial features.




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